Submitted by simbako258 t3_yfcg2p in creepy
AresuSothe t1_iu37drz wrote
I’d still would.
lawndutyjudgejudy13 t1_iu3c8jz wrote
undecisive-much t1_iu3frzk wrote
tik tak tik tiki tiki taktik, in other words, lovely art
Shibari_Fractals t1_iu3h9ap wrote
Misread the title as “Asian twink”, not sure where to go from there tbh.
vaclav1234567890 t1_iu3k9iy wrote
That ending 😏
carnotaurussastrei t1_iu3nk0r wrote
How does she have room in her mouth for that tongue?
SoulCruizer t1_iu3nmxo wrote
prostate exam
Pale-Statistician-58 t1_iu3qhfk wrote
Yo it's that demon that showed us how cool Zenitsu was
whatisscoobydone t1_iu3r4at wrote
The CIA admitted to faking Aswang attacks to scare away freedom fighters in the Philippines
HellexJ t1_iu3r8ft wrote
It probably goes down her throat or around her skull like some animals
anticerber t1_iu3rcxk wrote
You mean hot ?
souse03 t1_iu3rx9w wrote
One of those grim episodes that gave me the chills
Kblizzle195 t1_iu3ryvj wrote
It’s like someone just drew a licker and colored it differently. The pose and tongue are the same, the only difference is girl face.
carnotaurussastrei t1_iu3s29k wrote
But I'd assume her to have a somewhat human-like anatomy. So far as I know, no human can fit a tongue like that in their mouth without choking or something.
Perhaps it simply hangs out of her mouth at all times?
IsaacRRx t1_iu3sirg wrote
IsaacRRx t1_iu3sjsj wrote
Would WHAT?
simbako258 OP t1_iu3smps wrote
i love resident evil and silent hill
Blackberry_Mediocre t1_iu3tj53 wrote
She still is hot
Re_Captcha t1_iu3tqqf wrote
Kblizzle195 t1_iu3ugjg wrote
Still terrifying no matter who’s face lol nice work
Burntoastedbutter t1_iu3umb7 wrote
Fucks your penis, in other words, sounding.
CritBit1 t1_iu3x74q wrote
I used to just think the aswang as is, a scary folklore monster that my grandparents would tell. But thanks to the INTERNET, I can't unread it as ass-wang, the dickbutt monster.
[deleted] t1_iu3xji1 wrote
Freefall84 t1_iu3xkg3 wrote
Sounds good
silentdrestrikesback t1_iu3z773 wrote
For some reason.... her face reminds me of Ellie from the last of us....
clavio_mazerati t1_iu3zf0l wrote
Can you expound more on this? I am always arguing that superstitions/mythical creatures back in the Philippines are a bunch of bullshit and I want an end to the argument that it's all bullshit once and for all.
ronlydoodle t1_iu3zjj2 wrote
I love your work it’s awesome to see filipino folklore would love to see more
Fawkingretar t1_iu3zl49 wrote
Suck babies outta her coochie hole, on lord.
Solstus22 t1_iu409id wrote
as someone familiar with the folklore and its country of origin, I would like to know how you came to that conclusion. 🤨😐🤔
-deadtotheworld- t1_iu413k3 wrote
NotJackspedicy t1_iu41w9h wrote
She kinda looks like Ellie from The Last of Us.
kahn_noble t1_iu425j2 wrote
Maybe this was an old school way to brush-off an abortion so the woman wouldn’t be shamed.
Rancor8209 t1_iu43oat wrote
Very nice, I would clean it up a bit more as an artist. You have floaty marks that a clean up with an erasure tool would help. If you do so, it would be a great piece for a concept portfolio.
BlazerStoner t1_iu43oub wrote
Voooooooooooooooodoo t1_iu43v8o wrote
ASWANG/TIKTOK is even worse imo... Edit: ya'll dumbasses don't like jokes with straight up facts don't'cha?
ChainmailleAddict t1_iu44qz1 wrote
Aswang, the progressive demon! All hail!
_greyknight_ t1_iu464rn wrote
Nice calves
Mavrickindigo t1_iu47dk2 wrote
As so.eone who made a kobold named Tik Tik, I need to do a story featuring one of these
Here4Memes8 t1_iu489aw wrote
There would still be dudes trying to smash.
kahn_noble t1_iu48fqs wrote
All hail!
JarlBallin420 t1_iu48xfi wrote
I'm sickened yet curious
simbako258 OP t1_iu49tu7 wrote
im a lazy artist hehehehehhe, thank you
DiogoSN t1_iu4ap6i wrote
You WOULD be viciously killed by it as her tongue slices you to ribbons and chokes the life out fo you? I have to agree.
patsully98 t1_iu4dkol wrote
This is great! Her pose looks kind of like those godd*mn f*@#ing royal revenants from Elden Ring.
Isn't there a similar monster in Filipino folklore but it's a disembodied head trailing its guts? I thought it was the aswang but I'm sure I'm mistaken (I'm not Filipino or of Filipino ancestry).
Zombebe t1_iu4e1mv wrote
First thing I thought of lol.
NhylX t1_iu4e46z wrote
Let me check if she's in-network.
shadow_bonnie120 t1_iu4ewah wrote
B-Dragons_2560 t1_iu4fg21 wrote
Soloed by a sleeping Pikachu
OneRandomVictory t1_iu4fih6 wrote
Okay Orochimaru...
CheekyBreeky702 t1_iu4iqt4 wrote
Not my proudest fap…
Foeldy t1_iu4j9yo wrote
Thats why im here xD asking REAL questions
electrocyberend t1_iu4kfmm wrote
Super peepee sucking
>What else that tongue do? Eat fetus.
So the premise is, when pregnant women lie in bed. Tiktiks poke a hole in the roof and then pierce the womans stomach/womb grab the fetus then eat it.
Its called a tiktik cuz u would usually hear a repetitive "tik" sound when their nearby.
electrocyberend t1_iu4kxi8 wrote
Spanish propaganda for mfs to stay indoors indoors.
electrocyberend t1_iu4kzfv wrote
Yall mfs watch trese on netflix if u want hot aswangs
NerfShields t1_iu4l6ns wrote
ok hear me out
THOTS_AND_BEARS t1_iu4lemc wrote
Grimm, great show, has an episode on this.
Cluelessish t1_iu4ljtd wrote
Is her butt on backwards?
MemphisRaiderRich t1_iu4n3v8 wrote
the name of this piece of Art should be “Ex-Wife”
Anonymous_otakus t1_iu4oj4h wrote
simbako258 OP t1_iu4oqrn wrote
its the thai "krasue" and the malaysian "penanggalan"
it is a floating disembodied head with its guts on its trail.
in philippines there is "mananaggal" it does not float, it has vampiric wings and it is disembodied on its waist, with guts on its trail.
9specter528 t1_iu4ovgz wrote
...okay, where the fuck did I put my bolo...
gladladvlad t1_iu4pbls wrote
i can fix her
[deleted] t1_iu4pc3g wrote
simbako258 OP t1_iu4pk0t wrote
yes this is truth
simbako258 OP t1_iu4ptnr wrote
make sense, iirc, spanish era philippines, catholic priest invented all these creatures so many people will go to church
simbako258 OP t1_iu4qsve wrote
i like to imagine, its in front, i intentionally made it look like she's dislocated super curvature of the lumbar vertebra heheheheheh
simbako258 OP t1_iu4r6yd wrote
bolo, garlic and salt
UnbreakableBrick t1_iu4rbug wrote
She just needs love and comprehension
UnbreakableBrick t1_iu4rylm wrote
You misspelled hot
idontevenlift37 t1_iu4shjf wrote
Time traveler: moves chair
masterpainimeanbetty t1_iu4tg4o wrote
_The_Man_Of_Memes_ t1_iu4z8bz wrote
Bro looking like a cross between a Licker from RES:E, and Ellie from TLOU.
MadCarcinus t1_iu4z9f8 wrote
Folklore for miscarriages.
_The_Man_Of_Memes_ t1_iu4z9ip wrote
Effective_Rub9189 t1_iu4zilr wrote
I’m down bad for that tongue
TheMadGraveWoman t1_iu4zisj wrote
Is that Alina Lopez?
patsully98 t1_iu5070s wrote
Very cool. Thank you for reaching me something!
georgeoussss t1_iu507nd wrote
I see back problems coming in the future
GloomyRipperDude t1_iu5295o wrote
Important_Life_1897 t1_iu52vfc wrote
Cool it’s like a licker from Resident Evil
WhisperAuger t1_iu55jom wrote
The "Kindred of the East" we deserved over in the White Wolf Fandom instead of the "anime vampires" they gave us.
AyeYoDisRon t1_iu55zfr wrote
They befriend preggos while in human form and they shape shift into a tiktik, poke a hole in your stomach and eat your baby with bagoong.
AyeYoDisRon t1_iu56n37 wrote
I love that series!
Umpire_Effective t1_iu5803y wrote
Sorry what the fuck
electrocyberend t1_iu583q1 wrote
Read the OP's comments, much more coherent than mine lel
Grey_Pilgrim_1969 t1_iu5avch wrote
Wonder what them tats look like
folkyall t1_iu5b7tq wrote
Outa respect
[deleted] t1_iu5bhdy wrote
BigNorseWolf t1_iu5h6cl wrote
that's an ifwinkibwitmwytwongue
BigNorseWolf t1_iu5h7w9 wrote
From which end?
vonkeswick t1_iu5jx4l wrote
nightmarecake t1_iu5n7g2 wrote
me before I've had my addy 😌
Goatman1247 t1_iu5p02y wrote
all_caps_all_da t1_iu5pp2e wrote
Now hear me out..
Last-Aardvark-6633 t1_iu5r1h8 wrote
Pero para antojar si son buenos
minihalkoja t1_iu5tlqd wrote
I was wondering when someone was gonna mention Grimm.
souse03 t1_iu5v4u1 wrote
Good show that went to shit with the whole julienne storyline
SkollFenrirson t1_iu5veoq wrote
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
minihalkoja t1_iu5vflo wrote
Yeah her evilness escalated quickly.
SquidmanMal t1_iu5xwr1 wrote
oh... i thought it was the flith licker yokai
TikkiTakiTomtom t1_iu61fj7 wrote
I like the way you think
Cluelessish t1_iu64s9r wrote
Like a spider about to sting? It looks cool.
maaszel_tov t1_iu66v13 wrote
Suck out the organs and bodily fluids of pregnant women and fetuses.
maaszel_tov t1_iu68vgo wrote
I thought manananggal were called tiktiks on account of their wings. Is this a different creature or before she sheds her lower half and sprouts wings?
pedroencinas95 t1_iu6azia wrote
thegoodpleb t1_iu6czo9 wrote
Yeah, they gave Juliette way too much screen time. I liked the idea of her transformation and mental and emotional decline but not the execution. Really hope they revive the Grimm series. So many more folk stories from around the world to discover.
[deleted] t1_iu6d0x1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6f0l3 wrote
simbako258 OP t1_iu6jn7w wrote
not sure about that, but that would be intetesting for me to do a research
nmklpkjlftmsh t1_iu6lug1 wrote
Incognito mode.
Lobster-wizard t1_iu6lz3s wrote
The bone has risen
simbako258 OP t1_iu6m4uq wrote
different provinces, different description, sometimes the "tiktik" is the "manananggal", some provinces says the "tiktik" is the manananggals "familiar" bird used for scouting, when you hear its loud sound tiktiktiktik, they say the creature is still far, when the sound is low tiktiktiktik it is near.
Wartymcballs t1_iu6mutc wrote
Sigh unzips pants
maaszel_tov t1_iu6mwaf wrote
True. May I ask which province this depiction is inspired by? Or is it a more general interpretation of the tiktik as a whole? I know my mom used to always scare me as a child about the manananggal and she is Kapampangan.
Saywhat-foolio t1_iu6nnq7 wrote
The feet freak me out
MadameLaBeer t1_iu6prm6 wrote
me to any medium ugly man who gives me affection exactly one time and then never again for the rest of my life.
Dive303 t1_iu6rb8b wrote
Yes, but with a 5k deductible and your rates will go up.
[deleted] t1_iu6uoxj wrote
whatarechimichangas t1_iu6uudj wrote
Women were having miscarriages before the Spanish came. It's more likely an early attempt to explain miscarriages. We had whole ass myths before the Spanish came. Not everything is from them.
Edzlhrnndz27 t1_iu6y39u wrote
There you go
Trick-Turn-4232 t1_iu7b6bl wrote
Mysterious_Gold7314 t1_iu7q3c7 wrote
HanzosScatterArrow t1_iu7y2ye wrote
Okay, now hear me out…
simbako258 OP t1_iu2u3uc wrote
An Aswang (ah-SWAH-ng; Tag. "monster") or Tik-tik (tik-TIK; Tag. onomatopoeia). They are indigenous to the Philippine Islands and exist within mainstream Filipino mythology.
Aswangs will use their tongues to pierce the navel of a pregnant woman and inject the chemical properties into the woman, tranquilizing her. From there the Aswang will use their tongues to suck the infant out of the womb, but not before sucking up a large amount of amniotic fluid. Under normal circumstances, there would be a high risk of the amniotic sack breaking, which would cause labor or a miscarriage. Since Aswangs do not have this problem, it would mean their tongues are fine and precise as surgical tools.