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Sokobanky t1_j1yd84i wrote

Inb4 redditors make the same joke over and over.


anonymperson t1_j1ydn74 wrote

And 59.76% of the worlds population as of december 2022. Congrats, you’ve figured out how population sampling works.


Evimjau t1_j1ydz71 wrote

And also around 60% of all the people. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone


Evimjau t1_j1yey0a wrote

Do per capita and see if anything changes


eric5014 t1_j1yfl2m wrote

Do it per population and see how it looks. Even then, it'd be good to break Asia into a few regions. Or with countries, coloured by continent.


moral_luck t1_j1yhaiy wrote

Next thing we are going to learn is that half of Indonesia's homicides happen on one island.


sg_za t1_j1yopzw wrote

Anecdotal but Thailand is supposed to have the highest number of road deaths for foreigners. Tourists rent motorbikes without proper training or safety equipment and end up crashing.


rumanne t1_j1yr777 wrote

Not to forget driving drunk as fuck, probably. It sounds to me (Sweden) that people go to Thailand to do all the things they are not allowed at home.


wingedSunSnake t1_j1yskub wrote

Do it per capita and then it might be more interesting


Blackwater-zombie t1_j1z17j6 wrote

And it’s all pedestrians! You totally take your life to it’s edge every time you use a crosswalk. 😂


clownandmuppet t1_j1z43p2 wrote

Please also look into correlation with organ donations/ transplantations.

Road collisions are essential to produce viable organs…can’t wait for people to get old….and using prisoners is not really ethical


NAP7U4 t1_j1z7zn5 wrote

you should have normalized it relative to population. This is misleading graph.


WaitNo1780 t1_j1zh091 wrote

Asia also accounts for around the same percentage of the population of the world


TakeThisWizardGlick t1_j1zq53z wrote

I mean, it's the biggest continent on Earth, I'd be more concerned if they didn't have the most road deaths.


Mr_Hassel t1_j1ztcpl wrote

Not surprising, most people in the world live there.


Meikok t1_j22dv4v wrote

Low value placed on life & jaywalking are a bad combination, add scooters and you have the perfect cocktail… I witnessed 3 deaths and many accidents