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[deleted] OP t1_iy7eq5m wrote



Youngheezy182 t1_iy7g47m wrote

3rd hint: don't wear 2 condoms at once. They will break


TheKittenSaur t1_iy7ude2 wrote

4th hint: tie a knot in it before disposing after the deed is done. It will leak and become gross.


quackl11 t1_iy8pc9t wrote

5th hint: if this is all too much work then dont have sex, get oral instead


ingodwetryst t1_iy9ys1u wrote

ribs/bumps are meant to simulate the feeling of the natural foreskin

thinner condoms are meant to transmit heat

always put lube inside of the condom for the wearer's benefit!


Ndvorsky t1_iy9zwod wrote

That just sounds like a great way to have it slip off.


ingodwetryst t1_iya69cs wrote

It's recommended by PP.


>It’s easy to use lube with condoms β€” just rub lube on the outside of the condom after you put it on. You can also add a few drops of lube inside the tip of the condom or on the penis before you roll the condom on. And you can put lube directly on a vulva and/or anus too. There’s no right or wrong amount β€” whatever feels good works.


and this handout:


>You can apply a drop of lube inside the condom to increase sensations before you put on the condom.



Anecdotally, I've never had a condom just 'slip off' of a fully erect penis in 13 years of sex work. Breaks happen, and slippage can come when the blood leaves the party but an erect penis? Nah.


[deleted] OP t1_iyazqnq wrote



ingodwetryst t1_iybt4pm wrote

I just tweeted those product images yesterday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


[deleted] OP t1_iybtiah wrote



ingodwetryst t1_iydz6ar wrote

They really make lube (its not great), I'd assume they sell it in that size because it has some kind of secondary use. I know astroglide can be used in some sort of machining but unsure about water based


Griff223 t1_iy83dgy wrote

I used to think they were all more or less the same until I started buying my own and stopped using the ones they were giving away for free at college or the doctor's office. I am still grateful for the free condoms, but in hindsight, they weren't the nicest ones.

I would encourage you or anyone else using condoms to try different ones and see what you like. Be open minded and try the different sizes, thicknesses, and materials. For example, my favorite so far are the skyn elite, which is a non-latex. Neither me or my partner have a latex allergy, so it would have seemed unnecessary to use non-latex, but I just ended up liking them more.

I also second u/Trivial_specter 's advice, it's a good explanation.


Koekenbakker28 t1_iy952uc wrote

Skyn is the best!


ingodwetryst t1_iy9z3z7 wrote

Skyn is excellent. Now that they have a 'big guy' size, I'm thrilled to be able to use them on everyone. For traditional latex I like Lifestyles Kyng (big), Kimono XL (normal), Crown Skinless Skin (normal to snug) and regular Kimono (snug)


nikicosca69 t1_iyb4ou0 wrote

How do you know which one to pick? Just buy 3-packs (and use them lol) till you find the one that is comfortable for you and your partner.


Youngheezy182 t1_iy7g319 wrote

There's really not much of a difference between them imo. I don't know if the ribbed actually make a difference for the girls but it doesn't matter for me. I usually go with spermicidal condoms though just in case.


lemoinem t1_iy7nk9n wrote

> I don't know if the ribbed actually make a difference for the girls

Have you tried asking? Consideration about the pleasure of your partner might be a welcome one


Youngheezy182 t1_iy7nwu7 wrote

Not trying to brag but since you brought it up, both my dick game and head game are good enough to the point where I'm not really concerned about ribbed condoms making a difference. A different shoe isnt gonna make or break michael jordan when he steps onto the court. Hes gonna run the match regardless. Just saying.


pegasBaO23 t1_iy8ldsd wrote

>A different shoe isnt gonna make or break michael jordan when he steps onto the court

Categorically untrue, there is a reason soldiers wear combat boots, laborers wear wide shoes with iron reinforcements, and athletes wear sneakers.


Karamel43 t1_iy7hw8r wrote

Are spermicidal condoms more expensive than regular ones? Also, which companies manufacture them? I haven't seen any spermicidal condoms where I'm from.


Youngheezy182 t1_iy7ixxl wrote

Most condom brands have them. They're fairly common in gas stations and most local retailers in my area. Usually the prices are about the same. I typically go with the lifestyles brand. It's usually about 5 bucks for a pack of 3