Submitted by t3_11cvejt in gaming

Knights of the Old Republic is almost 20 years old, but both 1 and 2 have really good Steam reviews. Is that just nostalgia, or do they hold up today? Also, if you've played both, do they both hold up?



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t1_ja58bs1 wrote



t1_ja5kskp wrote

With the combat it's not really a case of it "holding up" or not as much as whether you like that kind of combat. If you like "real time with pause" combat the combat in KotOR definitely still holds up.

It's a bit janky though, but that was always the case.


t1_ja58ho2 wrote

Story is amazing, choices matter, get gog treated versions.


t1_ja5jis6 wrote

Statement: kotor is a game made by meatbags for meatbags.

Statement: the one things the meatbags did right was invent some of the best dialog this side of the outer rim.

Statement: the combat can be rather drowl and uninspiring, but has a certain charm to it as it allows for the master to mercilessly slaughter all who stand in his way. And even allows his companions to enjoy on the festivities.


t1_ja6htpt wrote

I feel like an AI would be able to come up with more than one preface.


t1_ja6i3r2 wrote

Rebuttal: I feel like a meatbag could come up with more than one purpose other than being target practice.

Mockery: Perhaps I am giving meatbags too much credit however, as I have found very few that could serve a higher purpose outside of the master and those he deems as 'worthy'.


t1_ja6djpj wrote

Absolutely. I actually enjoy the style of gameplay even if it’s dated and the story is about as good as rpg stories get


t1_ja5al45 wrote

I desperately want to, as it has such a great story and it actually feels like your choices are affecting everything around you. But the graphics are old, and I feel like what was once an innovative combat system now feels extremely clunky. so I'm not really sure to be honest.


t1_ja5vnsq wrote

I still play it every year. It's graphics are abit shit and the gameplay can he janky, but its still a great time, with a awesome story


t1_ja59t09 wrote

I just replayed the first one and still love it. I find I adjust to the outdated graphics pretty quickly and the story is so good. And it's very re-playable - changing your gender and/or alignment makes it a different story. It's one of my very favorites.


t1_ja5domo wrote

yes i only beat them a few years ago having them as a kid but never fully beat them. it's an rpg game, ppl have always hated on turn based combat and any similar. heard those types of complaints all the time from cod/fps players despite how good or 'classic' a game/genre they don't like is.

the combat isnt bad, you que your abilities with strategy during the fight and how you approach it (say you want to start by throwing bombs or planting some mines), switch to your companions who are a different class and can do different things, have a buffer companion, 'utility', high damage comp or whatever you want.

the characters/companions are fun. different dialogue options and different path depending on if you are 'good' or 'bad'. the philosophy goes 'deeper' more so in kotor 2 with whats really 'good' or 'bad' with some 'grey' jedis who can join your party with both games.


t1_ja6ve9t wrote

Yeah, just beat it recently again. Still my favorite Game of all-time. If you fully mod it it looks way better. You can replace all the textures, use AI upscaled Cutscenes and improved Models.


t1_ja6yabw wrote

No. They were pretty outdated gameplay-wise and graphically when they first came out. It's all nostalgia.


t1_ja7780g wrote

It almost holds up the entire Star Wars franchise imo


t1_ja7d38s wrote

The combat is a bit weird, but I replayed them recently, and the writing makes up for the older graphics.


t1_ja86caj wrote

KOTOR 1 combat doesn't hold up, but the rest does for sure. You get over it though. Played them fairly recently and it was even better than 20 years ago (because I'm older now and better at games).


t1_ja5bh9n wrote

Great RPG but essentially turn based compared to the action rpgs of today. If you can get past that, very good Star Wars titles with great characters and stories.


t1_ja6hybq wrote

Get past it? It's far superior to modern action-slash junk.


t1_ja604uh wrote

Honestly, no. Unless you're just asking if they're still fun, which they are, don't get me wrong. I didn't play them back in the day, just succumbed to internet reviews a few years back (mostly because I did like SWTOR and Dragon Age).

The first one is charming and old, the second is a buggy, slightly pretentious mess (yes, even with the fan patch). I don't regret playing them through, though. I may play the first one again. But there's a lot better out there.