Submitted by illdoitlatermum t3_11dtmph in gaming

I used to play car/bike racing games on console all the time until I started getting bored of gaming about 5 years ago and only played for a short amount of time once in a while. I’d like to play GT7 since I haven’t played that game since PlayStation 2 but can’t help but feel like I’m just wasting my time. Can I game and enjoy it or should I take this as my time to just stop?



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GrimDoink t1_jaaq3qt wrote

Do whatever it is you feel you should be doing.


EvoEpitaph t1_jaaq3ec wrote

Why play if you're not having fun? Take a break, maybe you'll come back later, maybe you won't. Life is wonky like that.


kennyh90 t1_jaatucl wrote

Tbf anyone who has a hobby could be considered wasting their time if it is isn’t a passion, sounds like you don’t love it enough for it to be a hobby, that said there’s always other games you can play otherwise just do something else


insightfulish t1_jabdcqp wrote

But isn't everything a waste of time, if you stop to think about it? In the end, all of our accomplishments, memories, regrets, and relationships will be reduced to null. Everyone from the poor to the rich to the kind hearted to the greedy will all end up as nothing but dust. It is only natural to feel a sense of longing and heartache as a result of any action we take in life. Every moment we live, we are losing what could have been. Every choice we make is a rejection of another. But we can also embrace this concept. Proceed forward with the knowledge that nothing will ever satisfy our endless desire to live life to its fullest. Any moment that is even mildly satisfying is a gift, even if the source is something novel and temporary. If you enjoyed it, then it was time well spent.


Mr_Evil_Dr_Porkchop t1_jaaq3im wrote

Find a game you enjoy playing? If you don’t like something, there’s no point in suffering through it


Rumblyguts1969 t1_jaaqne4 wrote

Recreational theory states that the activity needs to be fulfilling and be done of one's own choice. Do you find this game fulfilling? Are you a slave to the tradition of playing this type of game? If you don't like ut, then don't play it.


CremeNed t1_jaaqtyy wrote

You should probably stop doing everything you enjoy, and ask your boss for more hours. Spending that money would be wasting time so just give it away quickly.


zeus1911 t1_jaaz1nz wrote

If it feels like a waste of time, then there is likely more pressing matters in your life and you need to deal with them first.

Gt7 is pretty darn good :) If you have friends, do some gaming with them. If you have kids, do some gaming with them.


Iffykindofguy t1_jab35g7 wrote

If youre not playing games to relax/enjoy them theres no reason to play them. That being said you need to give your brain and body downtime from work or other stressors so make sure youre replacing games with something else.


fesanjani703 t1_jab59w8 wrote

Everything is a waste of time.


Salty_Letterhead t1_jaawda6 wrote

I often think certain activities are a waste of time. Then I think about how I'll be dead in 100 years and it won't make any difference if I played video games, cleaned my house or traveled to every possible destination in the world. Me and everyone I know will be dead anyway.


GonnaNeedMoreSpit t1_jaaydep wrote

You are kind of wasting your time. Like it's not productive unless you feel you are getting something worthwhile for it. For some people it might be they make money streaming, others ot could help them wind down after work or whatever. But at the end of the day people spend thousands of hours played in games and nothing to show for it. Maybe stick to doing it in little slots of time once a week or so with a buddy or two with a few snacks and drinks and have a casual gaming session and leave it at that


himynameisyoda t1_jaazj8j wrote

play games that are engaging, challenging, have good/decent stories, different.


Nivekk_ t1_jab3z60 wrote

I've had similar feelings before, where I didn't want to play games anymore because I didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything. It was like, the fact that you have nothing real to show for it after beating a game suddenly because a huge demotivator.

For me the solution was to take on a hobby, which was creating a webcomic. It gave me something to put my efforts into while having something to show for it. After working on that for a while, the desire to game came back.


Golden326326 t1_jab8j2n wrote

The reason why you can't enjoy games is up to you to answer, there could be several reasons. I asked myself this question a couple months ago and for me it was that I hated my job and instead of looking for a better one I would only play games to avoid thinking about it. I was unhappy. I thought all the time during job about having more free time. Hope this isn't your issue because I haven't solved this one yet.