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t1_jebmul0 wrote

Skull Girls, but more broadly fighting games. I'm trash at fighting games but they always have amazing sound tracks


t1_jecntxi wrote

I'm not a fan of playing Final Fantasy games, but Nobuo Uematsu makes some damn good music.


t1_jeb36ih wrote

The early Medal of Honor games, I love Michael's music except for a few hit and misses but he nails every score he does


t1_jeba3eg wrote

Probably Ancient Evil from Chicory is a banger.


t1_jebw7qg wrote

Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus.

The music from that game it's fantastic. I won't play it because I don't enjoy rts games.


t1_jeby9ez wrote

Mechanicus isn’t an RTS game; it’s a turn-based game. You have a few units that you move around a grid while taking turns with the enemy


t1_jec0vo9 wrote

Ar tonelico. I don't remember how i first heard of this game because this is oddly specific but damn the sountrack has something special, i love it


t1_jechcku wrote

LOVE ar tonelico ost The third one has banger after banger


t1_jee5bji wrote

Oh really ? Only know the first PS2 game, i really should look more into it because this soundtrack is totally my jam


t1_jecjkml wrote

I've never played Xenoblade but someone made me listen to the OST and I thought it was amazing, it has a track called Unfinished Battle and I've been listening to it for like 10 years


t1_jecldae wrote

Imperator Rome is one of my go-to OSTs for focus. The Oceanus music is engraved at my mind at this point.

Stellaris and EUIV also have incredible soundtracks, but these two I have played.


t1_jecmbky wrote

No such thing, if the OST is good, I immediately go give the game a shot


t1_jedc93l wrote

Metal Gear Rising was this for me for many years. I finally got to it in 2022


t1_jednmwc wrote

IXION soundtrack. Works really well with Elite: Dangerous.


t1_jeewfza wrote

The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall!! The most beautiful soundtrack from all TES games, imo!


t1_jefkkpe wrote

Life is Strange. Ok I technically played the first part of the first game because it was free but beyond that I didn't play it.