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t1_j26blb2 wrote

Biggest in what way? WoW is still king in a lot of metrics.


OP t1_j26bxs0 wrote

Activity, massive pvp and guilds fighting etc


t1_j26c89x wrote

New world sort of scratches that itch but fell off. Game is based around player factions owning parts of the map and invading other areas held by other factions.

It was OK on launch but endgame didn't grab me, not sure how it is now.


t1_j2668d6 wrote

Original Guild Wars? Sorry, there's nothing like it. Closest you can find would probably be the Divinity Original Sin games.


t1_j28979f wrote

I feel like guild wars 2 still beats all and won't ever be topped

Why? No subscription.. yet they release so much new content. There is no pay 2 win. Most fun, so many mounts and the community is so active.. like there is not one area you will not see people.

Some reason since steam release it has become so popular.

WoW,Eso,FF14 players all come BACK to Gw2...

Age range is 13yrs old to 70yrs old.

Their systems have sub systems. You can easily spend 20k hours and still have shit to do. Its absurd.


t1_j264l5v wrote

Ever played new world?


OP t1_j264pyl wrote

Nah never heard of it, im looking for something pretty active so if it is im down to try it


t1_j264sks wrote

Its only on pc. But its def mmo


OP t1_j264uqx wrote

I got pc and ps5 so i dont mind


t1_j26aa0n wrote

I highly recommend guildwars 2 but not the same as gw.... but New world don't waste your time on it... it is the definition of a brainless solo grind mmo my ass it's terrible don't care how many patches the end game is garbage stay away lol I will say leveling to max was fun but gear score grind is so dumb.


OP t1_j26buop wrote

Is it still active though


t1_j26dbhq wrote

Not like the first 2 months it died off well in player base... it had good potential but it was riddled with bugs they thrn changed aspects of how factions took over servers and taxed the living shit out of people it was great giving purpose to war but the pvp it self was broken still is I bet


OP t1_j26dvuf wrote

Then whats the best mmorpg in terms of large scale combats


t1_j27gduo wrote

Elder scrolls online smashes large scale pvp combats out of the park, I haven't heard of another game coming close.


t1_j265pmj wrote

Horizontal progression, focus on end game cosmetics, free form kinda go wherever and do the stuff.

Elder Scrolls Online. One of the best new player experiences I've had. The action style combat is interesting if maybe a bit simple. Like all MMO's you'll hit the end game and decided how you feel about how it works but getting into it was for sure worth the time.