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DB43X t1_j6g4bzq wrote

Just out of curiosity. Why is it?


Call_It_Luck t1_j6g4y1m wrote

Everyone has those Logitech speakers I swear lol


cainhurstscott32 t1_j6g8ewv wrote

I just finished this game today. Good story, ND once you get the controls down it's real easy to whoop.some ass. Best of luck, and have fun.


Ok-Promise8865 t1_j6gbgz2 wrote

There is a phrase that I love:

“The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you, if you just lower your expectations”

My happy place is also while I crack up a good game on the ps5 and eat some food and drink a cold beer! It is peace and serenity for the soul!


Manjorno316 t1_j6haeya wrote

I could go for some DMC5 and beef stew right now.


wejustsaymanager t1_j6hhygs wrote

Wait til you hit mission 13 or 14 on DMD. Pain.

Great fuckin game though.


AlexKorobeiniki OP t1_j6iv9ap wrote

I’m loving playing as V; it’s probably the best example of a summoner/beast master character I’ve ever seen in practice. Good balance between having the pets be useful, but not overtuned. Making Nightmare so easy to access was an inspired choice as well, it completely avoids the “maybe I’ll need it later” trap most nukes fall into.