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minev1128 t1_j6hajvj wrote

lol no

I had 2k hrs just last year. Some even had more.


Golden_Chives t1_j6hbwgf wrote

It completely depends on your obligations and your enjoyment. Personally? No. For many many people, also no. I had that for a single game over 2020!


Portgas t1_j6hcx05 wrote

it's only like an hour and a half a day lol. No, you're not addicted


Historical_Dot825 t1_j6hd4jy wrote

That's an average of a little over an hour a day over 3 years. Hardly addicted.


DoBiits t1_j6hdjf7 wrote

Thats just over an hour a day.. no that isnt an addiction


meekgamer452 t1_j6hoghf wrote

I have 4500 hours (187 days) over 9 years in GTA online and that's a considerable percentage of my lifespan, and I'm not happy about it.

1300*3=3900, so I'll say to you what I would say to my past self, wrap it up and play a different game. Sorry if this is a buzzkill answer.


ConfusedConnect t1_j6horuq wrote

How do you know how many hours you games? Id love to know mine


stamps1646 t1_j6kll8w wrote

1300 hours of what?

Is gaming a hobby you enjoy, then no. =)


JohnnyJayce t1_j6lghkr wrote

I have them on one game alone. And I don't even play much anymore. That's around 1.2 hours per day. 8.3 hours a week so that can be achieved by playing on weekends only.