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MSGRiley t1_j1kcglf wrote

Definitely a good test of agility but impractical as a training regime. I give it Q out of potato stars.


BurntToasters t1_j1lxi4a wrote

I remember doing some stupid shit like this when i was a kid, tripped, went flying backwards hit the back of my head on a drywall. Was fine and no damage but was close to hitting a 10-15lbs weight instead. Spooky stuff


squidwurrd t1_j1lwc0b wrote

While impressive seems like a dumb way to practice.


bokchoykn t1_j1mv12f wrote

Not extreme enough. Need a pile of Legos at the end of the treadmill.


-ansr t1_j1oc466 wrote

And no shoes.
But yeah what's the effin point of this? Why do it on a treadmill at all? Why not just do it on flat ground? What's the difference?


benstillersghost t1_j1mgjh0 wrote

Exactly. Just put some cones on the ground and dribble as fast as you can.


mrubuto22 t1_j1nw4t3 wrote

This is more just flexing than actual practise


Ilix t1_j1kfxwe wrote

You can tell this isn’t me by the way that there’s a treadmill in the GIF.


kthulhu666 t1_j1kidu5 wrote

You can tell this isn’t me by the way it's doesn't fade out then fade back in at the hospital.


dotardiscer t1_j1khtr2 wrote

The video speeds itself up, I'm not crazy, right?


TrevorJordan t1_j1l5rhx wrote

Yep. You can tell by the shadow movement out the window.


Optimully t1_j1m4q4u wrote

Can we see the original non sped up video?


Jadty t1_j1mnr5x wrote

Anything for stupid tik tok views.


Dlh2079 t1_j1l4064 wrote

I am thoroughly disappointed the person putting stuff through didn't yeet themselves onto the treadmill. 7/10


ohreallyu2 t1_j1lcj61 wrote

That looks pretty skilful to me.


bigdune t1_j1lkuve wrote

Let’s get some left foot in there, come on!


cepxico t1_j1lzx5c wrote

Dang that's some quick ball control, on a treadmill no less lol


L-Malvo t1_j1lox2n wrote

Good skill, but risk/reward seems off to me. One misstep and you’re out for quite some time


chojinra t1_j1lpget wrote

Someone’s taking inspiration from sports manga.


iNeuron t1_j1lqnb9 wrote

Whats over?


SheldonLivesOn t1_j1m4mya wrote

As a guy who's pro soccer career ended with a series of bad ankle injuries, I would just like to say "welcome to a lifetime of physiotherapy"!


calebmke t1_j1m8dl4 wrote

Athletic people. Geez…get a hobby


me_be_here t1_j1mb8u0 wrote

To shreds, you say...


Humavolver t1_j1mfucv wrote

Why are they throwing cell phones down a treadmill to dodge? That's some rich person bs right there.


Jadty t1_j1mnxpl wrote

The husband/boyfriend pays for it anyways, no accountability.


Akwagazod t1_j1mgg8i wrote

This seems just outlandishly likely to hurt yourself. Like, I've gotten treadmill burns real bad before, and while they're not likely to cause lasting damage but they suck SO bad.


iamlegend29 t1_j1mozsi wrote

This is what I imagine when they say soccer moms


darklord12345679 t1_j1o0t6s wrote

She could really assert dominance when the second soccer ball shows up by dribbling both at once.


MaximumEffurt t1_j1lauu7 wrote

Pretty sure moving the ball 4 inches to the left or right while jogging doesn't help u much on the pitch, but I don't play so what do I know.


noobvorld t1_j1lhqgk wrote

100% does. This kind of close control is why players like Messi are so good. They don't need tons of space to maneuver, just a tiny little gap to move the ball into for their next touch. This is what sets technically gifted dribblers apart from players like Haaland and Ronaldo, who are more about finding space without the ball and clinical finishing.


MaximumEffurt t1_j1li6ib wrote

I get the principle, but this seems off to me. Doing this with cones on a field would be more practical, I would think. But again, I don't know shit about what is more practical for footwork training in this regard.


noobvorld t1_j1li98c wrote

Yeah you're definitely right about that. This is just asking for injury. Looks great, does very little that other drills can't do.


leafsplz t1_j1mmpqb wrote

I would punt that ball in friends face if they started throwing stuff on a treadmill I was on. But then again the ball wouldn't be there if my friend didn't throw it onto the treadmill so how could I have kicked a ball that wasn't heads


kassandra_00 t1_j1o2670 wrote

Where are people’s sense of humor? If this video was made by two guys and posted on r/justguysbeingdudes the comments would taste quite different.