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Drago-0900 OP t1_jdzbm6d wrote

So why do IEMs do it when wouldnt headphones stand to benefit the most from it, being able to have the lows and mids on the woofer and a tweeter to do all the highs?


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_jdzfsi0 wrote

Probably space and positions of the speakers. In an IEM the sound goes right inside your ears. Speakers stand in your room far enough away to not make the sound come from different angles. Having the drivers close to your ear in different positions may make the sound come from different angles and thus making positional audio worse.

Other than that it’s probably just not as practical.

You can also take a look into the 1 more Tripple


rhalf t1_jdzl02a wrote

Are there IEMs with multiple dynamic drivers though? I don't think I know any.


Juice_Box999 t1_jdzo5d0 wrote

Yes, antlion duo.


rhalf t1_jdzok07 wrote

>antlion duo

So a gaming headset. Reminds me of the 5.1 gaming craze we had a while ago with multi-driver, multi-channel headphones.