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Psiphistikkated t1_j9pahz6 wrote

I also notice this. It is very annoying!


Stock-Thanks-8570 OP t1_j9pbeqs wrote

No big deal if the other apps weren’t filled with ads ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but I expect this one to work better than the apps on my first gen iPod touch


alowester t1_j9pcvoi wrote

Yup same issue here forever


r21174 t1_j9pqvml wrote

alot of Apple brand apps fail to work anymore. Shit gone down hill.

I deleted it after getting no help from devs..


doogm t1_j9pcpn6 wrote

It was happening to me this morning, yes, but it I turned on the next hour precipitation outlook and it eventually filled in. Otherwise I hadn't noticed it before today when I've used it.


SlendyTheMan t1_j9rf012 wrote

Dark sky had this same issue. I don’t get why they can’t get a damn radar layer working right!! If this CLU/GPU performance is so amazing..


DifferentKey4 t1_j9pl45p wrote

I always have to zoom in and out for the tiles to fill out. Or maybe switch to 12 hour forecast. Either way it’s buggy for me too


aslrules t1_j9qvjbe wrote

Ventusky is a weather app that I like. Unless you’re a meteorologist, there’s no need to pay for it, because it provides plenty of information. Good luck to you.


Daohaus t1_j9qwwex wrote

Mines the same coming in and out doesn’t help now. It used to fix itself in the past


Stock-Thanks-8570 OP t1_j9qyk3b wrote

I used to zoom it out until it showed me one solid sweep of the radar but now it’s only splotches no matter what


Daohaus t1_j9qzexa wrote

Yup same here. The app is broken


lxldlse t1_j9rbhg8 wrote

Yep. Garbage.


smitchwally t1_j9pr7vn wrote

Yep. It's maddening. I'm about to start looking for another weather app.



Smokechip t1_j9pyeij wrote

Same for me also, back to accu weather


Ext4zY t1_j9qbmn3 wrote

Same issue here


ItzVerklickt t1_j9qbp4n wrote

It’s the app. Happens to me everytime (iPhone 12)


RedBaron1211 t1_j9qdeey wrote

Zoom in/out and cross your fingers


cabinet_door t1_j9ryjke wrote

Came on here just to post about it, actually


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jmedina94 t1_j9p5gqf wrote

How’s your data speed? I think I have noticed this when my connection is slow but looking like this was just a weird coincidence.


lemon_limes t1_j9plv44 wrote

Yup, and it was just like this in the Dark Sky app for me, which Apple bought and integrated into their own weather app. So I bet it’s a leftover issue from Dark Sky if I were to guess. Loved Dark Sky but the radar never worked consistent for me.


stevejobs7 t1_j9rdtzx wrote

i mean they wouldve fixed it when they revamped the weather app in ios16


loaffy_ t1_j9pvb1i wrote

yep. ditched it and went back to carrot


Foxxo02 t1_j9q5475 wrote

I find that it works, but the weather and radar are almost never accurate lol


Fil_th t1_j9rq43h wrote

It usually works for me but not today


xder345 t1_j9s7apa wrote

Yes. Bring back dark sky


Richard1864 t1_j9sf8ou wrote

Working fine for me, but the temps are inaccurate.


M1A1Death t1_j9sk0bb wrote

14 Pro. Same issue


NEhighlander t1_j9so87h wrote

Yes it fritzes out hard sometimes i think its iOS 16


wickerfart t1_j9sr2xw wrote

If you care about radar, windy, put the front and foremost and it’s not too expensive to subscribe to


-K9V t1_j9t0084 wrote

Mine seems to work fine.


3NKGaming t1_j9tdr1m wrote

I'm on 12 pro and this has happened to me as well

I had to zoom way out for it to show


egg-man57 t1_j9tg5ri wrote

Happened to me on my old xr and new 14 i think it’s a software issue


Jeffreyknows t1_j9tn4qz wrote

That weather app is just trash in general. The radar never works for me


Guilty_Commission_79 t1_j9trtzv wrote

This happens to me on my XS Max and I’ve wondered why there hasn’t been a software fix for the weather app


Tangsta1 t1_j9u0o69 wrote

Apple weather app is almost as shitty as their Map app. Just use a more reputable weather app.


Stock-Thanks-8570 OP t1_j9u1w5s wrote

I paid for my iPhone because it has these apps. I don’t want to pay for a third party app with a ton of ads. Apple needs to fix this issue


Tangsta1 t1_j9vbnrt wrote

Lol, ok. Google Maps is free and 100x better than Apple Maps. However, paying $2 for a app that works a lot better is hardly a concern of anyone with sense. Apple doesn’t make good apps, kinda common knowledge


Stock-Thanks-8570 OP t1_j9vbzo0 wrote

It’s not the amount of money, it’s any money at all. 2 dollars is nothing but more and more apps are becoming subscription based and these issues are annoying to someone who has bought Apple products for a long time.

I guess we are looking at it from two different perspectives and that’s fine. I shouldn’t have to circumnavigate these kinds of things when updates are pretty frequent