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ggento t1_itzu980 wrote

Reply to comment by dskatter in iPhone 14 and iOS 16.1 by [deleted]

I mean, if I had some bugs yeah I would think about it, but if battery is the main problem I wouldn’t think rebooting can be a solution. It’s my first iPhone tho, I’m rebooting rn and telling you in hour, I’m at 64% rn in just 12 min


dskatter t1_itzy2aq wrote

If a process is running wild and draining that battery, it could easily be.

The iPhone is just another computer, after all! If something is going wild in the background, a reboot usually nixes it.

Good luck! Also, battery can be uneven the first day or two after an update. Lots of background laundry being done.


ggento t1_iu013gy wrote

It has passed around 30 min and just 2%, thank you so much! You made me feel dumb🥲


dskatter t1_iu04m36 wrote

Nah, just keep that in mind anytime you have a tech issue. Always reboot first!

You’re not dumb, you just expect things to work. That’s a good trait most of the time, and usually how life with an iPhone goes!


Brownie104 t1_itzv8bw wrote

Try going to Settings->Battery


There should be a history of what uses how much of your battery, so that might give you info forward. Let us know.


_FaceOff_ t1_iu00gdk wrote

And don't just reboot. Force close every app you have running, then reboot.

Also in the battery settings, it should show you what processes are sucking the most battery. That should hopefully help you pinpoint the issue. If nothing seems out of the ordinary, it may be a defective battery (which is rare but possible).


ggento t1_iu00ugs wrote

Yeah that’s what I did. It got much better and doubt the battery was the problem because it was pretty good on iOS 16.0.3. It got solved, thank you all for the support :)