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Goosfamily t1_j29txaq wrote

I’ve never paid and I’m replying with Apollo here.


jw154j t1_j29uz9i wrote

What about creating a new post?

One-time fee. "Pay what you want" to unlock, minimum $5 USD. Includes these additonal features:

Submit Posts

Create new posts in the subreddits you love, with an amazing built-in image uploader, Markdown text editor, and more. Some people are confused why posting is a paid feature, it's a combination of a few things. The majority of people on Reddit consume content rather than posting it (there's even a Wikipedia article about this phenomenon!)) so it's a nice feature to be like 'hey, if you're doing this, could you support the app'? Secondly, it was a common feature to make 'Pro' in other Reddit apps, like Alien Blue when it was around. Lastly, even though it might seem like a 'basic' feature on the surface, I put a lot of hours into designing and coding the feature in Apollo, and I hope it's not too harsh to ask to be paid to support my work.

Edit: for Push notifications you have to subscribe to Ultra, $13/yr (according to their website)


kellogg76 t1_j2asbtv wrote

I post using Apollo, and don’t pay anything.


jw154j t1_j2askoa wrote

How? Ad soon as I choose post it takes me to the subscription page. Even the info above from Apollo says you have to pay to create a new post. Yes you can reply for free, but not create.


kellogg76 t1_j2at68h wrote

I’ve had Apollo for a few years, maybe I’m grandfathered in as it says I have Apollo Pro. I don’t remember clearly but I may have paid $1-2 for the app at one point but definitely nothing for years. It wouldn’t have been much though as it’s really rare I pay for apps.


pdawg17 t1_j2asw48 wrote

Tell me how to do that. Creating a new post requires a payment for me.