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dskatter t1_j1406ew wrote

I have screen time turned off because I don’t care about it, and in the past it was a battery drain. That might have changed.

As far as the second one, if YOU turned it on (scummy move, making changes on her phone without her knowledge or permission, btw) it takes time to build those locations up. It isn’t instant.

Honestly? It sounds more like you need to move on if you’re doing this kind of stuff without her knowledge. What’s next, silent AirTag tracking?


NuMotiv t1_j14238c wrote

This. You got issues bro. Dump her ass or maybe she should dump you and move on.


dskatter t1_j1434d7 wrote

OP deleted their post, so hopefully he realized what a paranoiac he sounded like.


caseroledream t1_j1409oj wrote

If you suspect your girls is stepping out on you, she’s probably stepping out on you.


Administratr t1_j140qsa wrote

You should definitely ask Reddit this question