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t1_j7rmxqf wrote

How much money do you have to burn on this?


t1_j7roff3 wrote

My 'cut' of the inheritance would be 50-70k. I can reasonably spend half that


t1_j7ryjmf wrote

These are likely generally known names, but a few friends and family have used both of these guys for wrongful death and inheritance stuff.

Morgan and Morgan is definitely good.

Ludovino Gardini is good, but I don’t have personal experience.

On the Western Mass side, I would use my lawyer above all these guys, Dan Kelly, but I understand wanting to keep it local. Another friend also said Michael Levin (Sturbridge, I believe)

These guys appear to be Creme de le crop for Boston and mediation law, but neither myself or my ‘colleagues’ have used them.

David Hoffman

John Fitch

I could write a book about cases they’ve won close to me, but that’s anecdotal evidence at its best. I suggest reading up on case outcomes on these guys and stuff to make the best decision for yourself. From what my practicing family is telling me, inheritance/mediation law is usually tricky and you’ll need someone decent if you’ve been pushed out by a husband/wife of the deceased.

Edit; I just noticed you said uncle but the sentiment is the same.


t1_j7wxg7x wrote

The cash IS in the will even if not specified, it was still his “belongings”. Also, a senile person cannot change a beneficiary—they don’t have the requisite capacity to do so. Therefore, the change of beneficiary is not effective. Get yourself a lawyer, ASAP. The evidence of sexual crimes is another matter—go to the police. You need to act fast on this will issue before the money can’t be traced. Also, the insurance company needs to be notified right away that the change in beneficiary is being challenged before they pay him the money. Get going!


t1_j7w181z wrote

Do you have a copy of the will? Do you know who drafted it? A lawyer? Do you know the witnesses to the signature? Does it say the estate is to pass “per stirpes”—that means you get the share your father would have gotten if he was alive.


t1_j7w1e6j wrote

An executor can not cut you out. They have to follow the terms of the will.


t1_j7w1j7w wrote

I have seen and heard nothing but will update. The worry is that he influenced her while very sick to change the will