ak47workaccnt t1_itq0598 wrote
ak47workaccnt t1_itphnt8 wrote
My ballot had ovals to fill in, not boxes to mark an X in. Does that vary by county or something?
pennant_fever t1_itq76f3 wrote
Yeah, I’ve never seen a ballot that looks like this. Where are the ballot questions?
ak47workaccnt t1_itq8u7b wrote
Must be on the back.
ReporterOther2179 t1_itqz9ue wrote
On the other side of the sheet of paper.
ReporterOther2179 t1_itqz2zu wrote
squarerootofapplepie t1_itrabr5 wrote
Nothing in MA varies by county.
ak47workaccnt t1_itrd2nh wrote
County/district, whatever
mrlolloran t1_itqeq92 wrote
Oh no I have read?
Guess I’m not voting after all /s
bubalusarnee t1_itr9zfm wrote
nobody can make read!
Matty_Cakez t1_itoovpr wrote
Not sure that’s true
Apprehensive-Page-96 OP t1_itopzsv wrote
Maybe not alphabetically, but not by party either.
ReporterOther2179 t1_itqyzlq wrote
Not alphabetical at all. The boxes are sorted by office. You the voter are supposed to choose R, D or other, sometimes. This is a general election ballot, not a party primary.
SynbiosVyse t1_itxu7qj wrote
Incumbents for reelection are always listed first. Then dem/repub alphabetical, then 3rd party.
somegridplayer t1_itrf9jl wrote
Do Reed and Everett have a platform outside of "THERE'S NO BEARS IN MA! WE'RE SAFE!"?
Simon_Jester88 t1_itpflrj wrote
I usually check the box next to the candidate I'm voting for.