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Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixkzp7u wrote

You substitute words for substance thinking you're making a salient point.

You're a fucking clown.


pillbinge t1_ixnbfke wrote

I think you’re revealing that you think that’s happening, but you’re commenting on commenting without adding anything. Ironic, and sad - again, seventh grade.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixnjaqm wrote

The length one will go to claw at a perceived superiority while spewing the most vile and hateful shit truly is impressive.

You're not as intelligent as you think you are or so desperately wish others to believe.


pillbinge t1_ixtc3g1 wrote

The only thing every post of yours has reveled is how intimidated you are by someone giving a fairly thoughtful view, written at a seventh grade level. I never said I was intelligent and I don't value that as a trait or characteristic, if you were to ask.

You need to calm down.