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3MinuteRecord t1_iyokpq5 wrote

I’m sure there would have been no traffic otherwise


GrimmRetails t1_iyoomvw wrote

The T must be grateful for the temporary blame shift.


Murky_Ad_5786 t1_iyojo7f wrote

whOoAa dE royAlLs wENT der BostAns


[deleted] OP t1_iyoh8ec wrote



nicklovin508 t1_iyoheb1 wrote

Mild..dude my 20 minute commute turned into an hour and a half


Fair-Physics3577 t1_iyooy6c wrote

“…you gave away the things you loved And one of them was me I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee..”


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_iyq1bq1 wrote

I know I will get downvoted to hell but you had at a minimum a week’s notice. Like call out sick or something.


Slice-O-Pie t1_iyowtxs wrote

Bostonians and Boston media swooning over the "royals" has been sickening to watch. You deserve traffic jams.


Sayoria t1_iyohq86 wrote

Well thankfully, the rail workers won't be getting vacation days so more rails can be build on their blood, sweat, and tears. Thank you everyone involved in this, and thank you Biden for supporting these poor people not getting even a mediocre vacation.

I hope he is primaried.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iyojg4f wrote

How would Trump have handled it?


Sayoria t1_iyol84e wrote

I said primaried.

I'm sorry. I forgot you are either for Biden or for Fascism. There's no penumbra. I totally forgot.
