Submitted by iiCe_ t3_zx7upv in massachusetts
I got laid off when my company was sold back in April, I found a new job in June but then that company sold three months later and I was out of a job again. However, when I reactivated my UA benefits, the timer stayed where it was before I took that job in June. In other words it didn’t reset to 26 weeks. Has anyone had this happen and how hard is it to get an extension if I don’t find something quick?
TheDeadlySpaceman t1_j1yuymd wrote
Two thoughts:
you say you re-activated your benefits, not applied for new ones. As far ask I know that would just restart the benefits you were already approved for.
You may not have had enough earnings as an employee in the past year to qualify for new benefits.
Either way, asking here isn’t going to help, call the UA office.