Submitted by 2saintz t3_zlqn6d in massachusetts

Do you provide your dog any apparel for walks in the winter, with snow on the ground? Boots or a coat? I noticed today my dog seemed to limp due to the cold snow, when we got home and I wiped her paw, she was fine afterward and even wrestling my other dog.



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Confident_Name6318 t1_j06p7o6 wrote

If your dog won’t tolerate boots, make sure you take a cloth wipe (or similar) with you on walk so that you can wipe the salt from their paws. Once it’s removed they are happy again. Another person commented that your should get balm for the paws and this is also a great tool


sailorman420jbm t1_j071qxh wrote

Boots or a balm like Musher's Secret is most important for salt on sidewalks. If the chemical snow melt and/or salt sticks to the dog's paws, it super cools the pads and is super uncomfortable. Dogs will then lick the chemicals/salt off their paws, which upsets their stomachs and can lead to vomiting & diarrhea.

Most fur covered dogs have double coats and their cores are perfectly warm despite cold temps, while hair covered dogs can get cold if the hair is cut short. If that's the case, a basic insulating layer like a vest or sweater is all that's needed to keep pups warm. Smaller dogs also get cold easier


PabloX68 t1_j09fj7d wrote

It's uncomfortable because salt is an irritant, not because it "super cools".



sailorman420jbm t1_j09hvmm wrote

Sorry, more accurately salt and snow melt chemically lowers the melting temperature of water and so the liquid water a dog's paws encounter can be much lower than 32deg F. If a snow/ice/salt solution is frozen, it is likely significantly colder than 32deg F. Direct contact with salt is indeed irritating and can dry out and chemically burn paw pads, but contact with salt won't just "super cool" them. It's the contact with colder than freezing water due to salt that is dangerous.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j06op5a wrote

No sweater or boots necessary UNLESS limping. Limping is a sign that your dog does need boots.

(I like to respect my dog as the animal she is rather than treat her as a doll but do my very best to respect other’s choices too.)


ch1kita t1_j07saxd wrote

The limping is due to the salt.

My older dog also had arthritis so that made the limping even worse.


Ronpm111 t1_j08f4io wrote

Yes. This is the right answer. The dog was probably limping because salt on the ground is burning their paws


ch1kita t1_j07s223 wrote

It's not the snow that bothers their paws, it's the salt on the ground. It burns their paws.


ReporterOther2179 t1_j07cq4g wrote

Dogs walking in snow will build up snow and ice balls between their toes. It’s uncomfortable for them, they’ll try to lick them out. Usually inconsequential.


jg429 t1_j084u4x wrote

She might need boots. The snow and ice gets into their paws. I only put a coat on my dog when it was EXTREMELY cold and/or snowing/raining, but he was a lab so in general not bothered by the cold. Smaller dogs will get colder, faster.

Cannot recommend Weatherbeeta jackets enough. So well made and long lasting! I ended up buying one at a local tack shop b/c pet stores didn't have coats big enough for my dog (lol) and I will never go back.


feidle t1_j09hsjh wrote

My roommate’s dog used to howl and whine on the salty sidewalks because the salt hurt her little feets :( she now wears boots and all is well again!


noodle-face t1_j09lv1q wrote

My dog does not need such things


welshTerrier2 t1_j09wdkd wrote

It's definitely not just salt. We walk our dog in our yard and there is never any salt there. And yet, when it's really cold, maybe below 10 degrees or so, she picks up her frozen paw and won't walk.

If we brush off the snow, she's good to go again.


illYlide t1_j0awt62 wrote

The salt/chemicals burn the paws- that is what hurts them more so than the cold. Everyone should use pet friendly ice melt! Booties or using wipes on their paws or putting something as a protective layer (vaseline??) should help.


Myztic84 t1_j0b1e8w wrote

Mine wears a coat. I have been debating about getting boots


Teslaville t1_j0dhjh9 wrote

Boots and a coat for short-coated dogs.