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cicifkfjfjdj t1_jebwx4u wrote

If they have their socks on, there’s really nothing gay about this.


YourPal10195 t1_jec38o7 wrote

Women ☕


Toad_Enjoyer_70 t1_jec4bfx wrote

Women ☕️


That1KidWithDynamite t1_jeckwn9 wrote

Women ☕️


Colin1248 t1_jedhdag wrote

Women ☕️


JSVstory3_141 t1_jebyptx wrote

Is it just me or have TF2 memes been creeping into regular memes, I have no objection, it is merely an observation


Holala13 t1_jefadxy wrote

I mean, the “meet the pyro” or the “meet the sniper” templates were fairly popular


JSVstory3_141 t1_jegbwh6 wrote

True, and the now listen here you little shit, but then even more different ones have appeared


YouGetMadEasy t1_jed6bzi wrote

Damn one of you got real butt hurt with this huh


Tactical_Genuis t1_jedcqt7 wrote

the first person that took women out of sex is my personal hero


Bombstrap1994 t1_jed8xyj wrote

OP is a woman☕ and this meme got under her skin


TalkOk3370 t1_jeco93a wrote

jokes on you, gay people play overwatch, default people play Team fortress 2


Boatwhistle t1_jeds83z wrote

That doesn’t make sense, I have never played over watch.


GrayMech t1_jedd75g wrote

This offends me. Medic is dating heavy not soldier, everyone knows that!


veryheavybob t1_jefc4v9 wrote

as long as you don't say thanks, your just kissing a buddy


Ok_Veterinarian5183 t1_jed2gjx wrote

What's with all the shit memes in this sub lately?


Professional_Mode440 t1_jedw9bt wrote

A group of people gets offended and then makes a "revenge" meme or a response meme, the cycle doesn't ends


Moderate_these_nuts t1_jeee1w3 wrote

Is this meme implying that to find anything about women laughable is a gateway to putting a dick in your mouth?

A fine line I didn't even know I was walking lol


TheGuyInUrBad OP t1_jeeffto wrote

Was about to say it only implying these nuts on ur chin haha goteem, but it’s almost feels like you took this personal so not gonna risk it


Moderate_these_nuts t1_jeeflzs wrote

Nothing about what I said was serious.


TheGuyInUrBad OP t1_jeeg4xb wrote

I know brother, we’re in a meme subreddit and all we’re trying to do is have fun with these nuts on ur chin haha goteem


Bos_1430 t1_jegdj81 wrote



PracticalMistakeCL t1_jeczj22 wrote

Are you saying all gay men hate.women? Damn


Boatwhistle t1_jedsf9n wrote

This bisexual man doesn’t hate women but he does feel that women have been conditioned by many many into believing their pussy makes them inherently valuable. Subsequently the frequency of insufferable and lackluster women is much higher while more men make some sort of effort to be charismatic and useful.


Boatwhistle t1_jedsm71 wrote

I don’t understand how using homosexuality as a way make fun of people for their behaviors isn’t homophobic? If I say or do something you don’t like you wouldn’t try to insult me by accusing me of being straight cause being straight isn’t an insult. so why is it an insult to accuse a straight person of being gay?


Han-Yolo5 t1_jedvhse wrote

He's not saying homosexuality is bad, he's saying those idiots basically make out whenever they see the term "women ☕" being used


Boatwhistle t1_jedwku0 wrote

”Gus now really think being misogynistic is cool, I mean why wouldn’t they” picture of men saying ”heh women” then making out. The two men making out is supposed to be the punchline in the joke as an insult to the misogynists... Something you wouldn’t ever see someone do with a man and a woman kissing like this cause that’s always imagery used represent people being cool or sexy.

The joke doesn’t make sense unless you interpret that being gay is intended to be bad. The person who made this is unironically punching down on people like me in defense of their own grief with inequality.


TheGuyInUrBad OP t1_jeedxzc wrote

But it’s quite the opposite - being gae is good, I’m trying to compliment misogynists so they feel at least some love, everyone else hates them for a reason. And now they see this meme and like "oh look what a nice guy, I guess I’m no longer wanna hate women and just make love with other men how it’s supposed to be". That’s it, no need for being suspicious, friend, cheers!


Vales066 t1_jefxks4 wrote

Lookit you, realizing you fucked up and desperately tryin to backtrack so nobody claims you’re just as prejudiced as the people you’re tryin to mock. You clearly don’t understand the “Women ☕️” either. It ain’t about posting under every little mistake a female makes, it’s chained when females say or do stupid shit and act like it’s someone else’s fault, usually blaming men. And I’m sayin that as someone who doesn’t even participate in it because the only thing I give a shit about is the truth. And the truth here is; you’re a misandrist.


NimaSon t1_jednxqf wrote

gays ☕
