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DoubleDongle-F t1_j2eot0v wrote

America has plenty of women who would be happy to do the housewife thing. Just don't expect her to have a job AND do housewife stuff, and discuss your hopes and expectations before you get too serious to be sure you both want the same thing.


realViciate t1_j2eqnxc wrote

I think it’d be very cool to try the whole househusband thing ngl, imma cook some gourmet shit in exchange, no problem


Fishcticks t1_j2ewxzz wrote

I tried to get my hubby to retire early and be my house husband. He declined, said he'd feel embarrassed. It must be harder to be man than I assumed.


realViciate t1_j2f4vhm wrote

Most of us are trapped in a mindset we’re not at all aware of. Personally, I’m confident enough in myself and my masculinity to use the freedom I have nowadays to make whatever choices I wanna make, regardless of what others think. If my friends judge me for wanting to be, and becoming, a househusband, for example, and don’t support me, then they’re not friends worth having in the first place. That’s my take


ShrekTitties420 t1_j2fiygb wrote

Alot of men would likely make fun of him and call Hime a housewife, which is the sad truth.


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