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gelatinousdepression t1_j6kye6v wrote

Firstly, you're a monster.

Second, if I hear the rain it means I'm likely next to an exterior wall, meaning I should have a window in my room, likely with a screen. Which means I can open the window to allow more noise and a breeze to come through, I can then use my blanket and sleep cozy, just need to keep my 12 gauge Incase a wendigo comes into my room.


Normal_Kitty OP t1_j6kyzds wrote

Yeah, but then the rain might fall into your room and make the carpet mouldy


gelatinousdepression t1_j6kzcbh wrote

Linoleum floors baby! Just have to deal with wet sock in the morning, but that's future mes problem.


justalucky_ducky t1_j6l0bg2 wrote

Fan on. The white noise I get from the fan is what puts me to sleep every night anyhow


Hamsternibba t1_j6l0f7p wrote

open the window, fresh cold air so you can get cozy under the blanket, louder lovely rain and no fan so you save energy, win win


Normal_Kitty OP t1_j6l2j4f wrote

But then the rain might fall into your room and make the carpet mouldy


Hamsternibba t1_j6l2trm wrote

i didn't think abut that but i do sleep like this sometimes and i didn't have any issues with rain pouring in my room, i guess it depends on the angle of the rain and the wind, also the positioning of your window


whtbrd t1_j6l7apg wrote

Flip pillow to cool side, pull blanket up to chin, roll onto side to expose back to open air


VVolfGunner24 t1_j6l9n53 wrote

I don't mind drowning out the rain sound. As long as I'm cool enough with the fan on with a good blanket, I'm golden


ShiftingSpectrum t1_j6llw7c wrote

Fan. I have to sleep with earplugs so the rain noises are moot anyway


Korblox101 t1_j6lreww wrote

I can deal with ass sweat. Hell, I live on a tropical island, ass sweat is as common for me as sitting down.


bentizzy t1_j6lzdfi wrote

Jokes on you I have a totally silent ceiling fan above my bed


Kanomus_37 t1_j6n6zzd wrote

Remove heavy blanket, get a thin bedsheet