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Scarletmajesty t1_jadp9wy wrote

Just separated from the nailbed.


paaunel OP t1_jadpbvr wrote

huh. weird


Scarletmajesty t1_jadpjkv wrote

It happens sometimes if the nail goes through some sort of trauma. It's mildly interesting what trauma caused it


paaunel OP t1_jadpms5 wrote

me biting my nails out of stress would be the trauma haha


CabbageFridge t1_jadqr2y wrote

Your fingernails are already dead. Same as hair.

I believe the reason for the whiteness is the nail pulling away from your nail bed. You probably caught your nail on something or used it to open something. Broke whatever glue type thing is going on that sticks out nails and fingers together. It should disappear as your nail grows out.

If you check you should find that all your nails are white at the end. And they turn white right where they stop being stuck to your finger. You might even be able to poke some areas under your nail to pull your finger away a little bit and see what's usually pink go a little bit more white a see through where your nail isn't quite stuck down anymore but is still smushed right up against your finger most of the time. Or you might see the white go a bit less white and blend in more with the rest of your nail if you push your finger up to it more.


paaunel OP t1_jadqunp wrote

i was biting my nails and this happened shortly after, i guess thats what pulled it away


CabbageFridge t1_jadras9 wrote

Yeah that would probably do it. Our teeth and jaws can be pretty strong. Apparently we actually have enough force to bite through a finger like a carrot. We just usually don't. I guess we instinctively hold ourselves back a lot. (Don't quote me on that though. It's just something I've heard).


CapedCaperer t1_jadqa5p wrote

That's nail fungus. It will spread to other toes if you don't treat it.


paaunel OP t1_jadr6yx wrote

this is on my finger and appeared basically overnight lol


AeternusDoleo t1_jadq8vo wrote

This happens if your nail does what it is designed for - take the brunt of an impact and protects your fingertip. It will grow out in a week or two, this isn't something to be concerned about.


paaunel OP t1_jadqfb4 wrote

this happened from me biting my nails, i just had never seen it before so it intriuged me lol


deez_treez t1_jadrf7q wrote

Bro, you got a fungus. Get that mushroom thumb outta here.


paaunel OP t1_jadrhs6 wrote

it appeared overnight i dont think fungus does that💀


ApollyonsButt t1_jads5nq wrote

Similar thing happened to me after I messed up a kick on someone’s leg


SpacedApeDHD t1_jadstcx wrote

go to a dermatologist sooner than later


Peakatlife t1_jaese7f wrote

Yeah stop plicking those side meat strings.