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PM_ME_KITTYNIPPLES OP t1_jd1gpth wrote

Papa Murphy's is a take-and-bake pizza place in the US. They make it and you take it home and bake it. They also sell cookie dough in this way.


dylpicklewickle t1_jd1gtez wrote

Wow interesting! I live in SoCal we have tollhouse and pillsbury😭😭


PM_ME_KITTYNIPPLES OP t1_jd1hd3q wrote

I'm in Cali too. They're mostly in central CA, it's kind of marketed towards poorer families because it's a bit cheaper and it qualifies for food stamps because it's "healthier."


threebillion6 t1_jd1mi40 wrote

It's cause it's cold food, not healthy lol. I love Papa Murphy's. I've been eating that pizza for so long. More north of y'all they're more frequent. I like it cause you can freeze it, and it's a little more bang for your buck for some of the deals. I don't have any pictures of my cats nipples.