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Adamryan0775 t1_itrf4md wrote

Locust tree I believe


RayBone36 OP t1_itrfiaa wrote

Pretty cool, thanks!


__WanderLust_ t1_itrk9fk wrote

Honey locust to be more specific! Native Americans used them for sewing needles.


Odd-Solid-5135 t1_itrllgs wrote

They will also aim for you jugular while on a riding mower.


__WanderLust_ t1_itryq5u wrote

And pop your mower tires when you run them over


GypsyBagelhands t1_its4iut wrote

Every vehicle on our farm has or needs slime in it's tires because of those fucking things.


Odd-Solid-5135 t1_itsbbtq wrote

Luckily I've not had that yet. But my first time mowing a property didn't realize there was one on the wood line. Cutting away I ran smack into a low branch. Plenty of cursing and puling a few broken tips from my arms and shoulder. I didn't realize there was a good 1/4 inc of one stuck in my neck. Shave a week later and noticed what I thought was an ingrown hair on my neck. To my surprise a larg chunk of one of those thorns shot out when I squeezed it.


GypsyBagelhands t1_itsdzv0 wrote

Brutal. I had one go through the ankle of my muck boot which sucked quite a bit.


Odd-Solid-5135 t1_itsltv8 wrote

Yeah it was a definite surprise to see that thing shoot out. I don't think any interaction with them is considered fun


RayBone36 OP t1_itro76p wrote

As I’m sure you know, the seed pods were crazy big too! Makes for good maracas!


Deadpool11085 t1_itrgswa wrote

Thorns?? Looks like Raphael left his sai’s hanging from a tree.


EMILLKSLEEPA t1_itrvah3 wrote

Man, there's trees that grow cross blunts? I want one


VoxulusQuarUn t1_itsflxo wrote

Google mesquite trees

Edit: apparently that's the same tree as honey locust.


mchalky t1_itt5pzr wrote

I have one of those in my backyard. Had to fence it off for my kids sake. P.S. they make great blow gun darts.