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breaktime1 t1_iucm9ar wrote

It must go stale so fast


mudokin t1_iucomzp wrote

now put it in a toaster for a nice light brean sear.


PapyrusCrocodile t1_iue7wju wrote

Good for certain casseroles and puddings that ask for crustless bread. Saves time and mess from having to cut the crusts off. I could see someone doing a lot of prep finding this really convenient .


Cuppish t1_iudqhby wrote

I see those all the time


Jbj0815 t1_iucn8z0 wrote

When you need to cut off the "crust" from a toast, german bread will break your theeth.


Azulanze t1_iugo5d2 wrote

What a world we live in..


Spid1 t1_iucp6np wrote

Quite common in the UK. The 50/50 version is my go-to


Comfortable-Brief131 t1_iucp9o3 wrote

HOT DAMN, I gotta git this brand if I don't get around to learning to make my own here soon.

All throughout childhood, what my parents thought was picky eating was actually my body screaming "tell em you need more good bacteria to digest fewds!" It really hurt and the biorigyami noises were rampant all throughout my high school years.

I begrudgingly & arduously developed a (v low level) of tolerance for the overly sugary American standard rarely extends beyond sandwiches..i don't even really like crackers & will nibble on them of I'm bored or nothing else to snack on is immediately available... I especially abhor the crust blek

Ofc in prototypical fashion, I didn't see a doctor about it until adulthood.

Friends and family can attest to witnessing the quintessential me phenomenon of my "shredding of the edges ritual"🥴🤣

Cause come on, SOMEONE always eats it for me LOLL!! ~

Do you happen to know of the manufacturer upcycles the unused crusts like selling it in vats to other food manufacturers who do breadcrumbs, croutons or other post-bake bready foods (some frozen brands use it as garnish for their lasagnas)?

I can grab some and toss them in the deep freezer for long term storage. 😊
