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_Mechaloth_ OP t1_iud7ar2 wrote

Buddhist sculpture produced in Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) is often referred to as the "pinnacle" of religious statuary in Japan (I have my own thoughts, but I don't want to digress). Among the most prolific and well-known sculptors was Unkei, whose workshop produced the massive guardian deities at the south gate of Todaiji.

One of the most definitive features of a Kamakura period sculpture is the rock crystal eyes which seem to glitter with life. This was accomplished by smoothing crystal into a contact-like shape, then painting the iris and pupil in the convex of the (future) eye. White paper was placed behind the crystal to accomplish the "whites" and then the whole ensemble held in place with wooden pegs at the back of the eye sockets inside a hollow face.


xx_ilikebrains_xx t1_iugipnu wrote

Fascinating, also please digress! What do you think is the finest religious statuary from Japan?

I myself am partial to small buddhist bronzes, like those of Guan Yin from 13-15th century.


NotEven-Punk t1_iud7ujn wrote

Ahh, A true expression of emotions, feeling Dukha and coming to terms with it leading to Nirvana 🪷


sleepymizi420 t1_iuehog2 wrote

🎶what can i say except you’re welcome 🎶


ramriot t1_iudr1tl wrote

Just so we all know, it's not a sculpture. Just nobody say it's name three time during a lunar eclipse ok!


nim_opet t1_iueo9xi wrote

I’m much younger but I also have blood vessels in my eyes


sincinati t1_iueoife wrote

This captures the mood of my entire life


LukeSniper t1_iuep3pp wrote

Kind of looks like Artie Lange in the MadTV sketch "That's my white mama"


Freezair t1_iueqz6p wrote

I'm used to judging artwork, but this is the first time I've ever felt like artwork was judging me...


MisterFistYourSister t1_iuf6f6t wrote

I believe this is Fudo Myo-o, also known as Acala, the Buddhist God of wrath. I have him tattooed on my arm


Dyke_Doesit t1_iufvhi1 wrote

That’s funny. I was just going to say, that looks like the painting we have in our dojo—of Fudo Myo-o.

Also I think I kinda channel this look when I work out.


skymoods t1_iufdgop wrote

he's real just waiting for someone to break the curse


erotyk t1_iufeklp wrote

probably its a Deva which share budha features but these are not illuminated.


sheepsense t1_iufno06 wrote

Constipation was real.


jutahn t1_iugwgp8 wrote

Me after a weekend on the binge


richnut5 t1_iuib243 wrote

This is 420, what is you emergency?