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Kujo17 t1_iuc7jqx wrote

I'm blue/green colorblind, I can see both blue and green fine lol it's not as I guess "severe" as other colorblindness? But colors that are very similar usually like yellows and oranges, or sometimes browns and reds and oranges, purples and blues really fuck with me they all just kinda blend together in those closer shades. Usually it really doesn't even pop out or cause an issue or anything though

So anyway it's weird, the two on the right are completely grey almost silvery grey, the two on the left are grey but at the very top kind of light blue/blueish grey that fades into th same grey as the others after the first few scribbles (assuming you started at the top and moved down each time) If these are indeed all very green in appearance to everyone else then this is one of the few times where I'm actually surprised at the color it's supposed to be, and that's kind of cool lol


Eating_Bagels t1_iuck7un wrote

I’m not colorblind and I see what exactly what you see. Hmmmmmmm


assezconfus t1_iucxgcd wrote

I'm not colorblind either and also see exactly what you described...