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trek604 t1_j20qcwm wrote

Do all McD's have industrial dish washers on site now? How about the smaller independent shops? I hope those cups are clean...


hcase5 t1_j20vznb wrote

It was not decided today, so theoretically they had time to adapt. Usually for this kind of stuff, France is like “reminder before fine”, there will be some months with control as reminder before giving real fine. Unfortunately for smaller businesses, they don’t have choices: invest for dishwasher or die. Ecology have a price


ledow t1_j20xixo wrote

Yeah, the price is to pollute the water basins with harsh chemicals, after paying to heat and spray the water, rather than throw a tiny piece of biodegradable, recyclable, recycled and easily-replenished paper away.


hcase5 t1_j20y848 wrote

Oh you sounds like an angry boy, don’t worry, you will have your happy meal with the toy. And you will be able to throw it angrily it in the thrash can, and it will be easily-replenished, as always. Don’t want to hurt your feelings and your habits, those are very important to us.


ledow t1_j2120dg wrote

Nothing to do with feelings or habits.

Claiming this is ecologically more friendly than a single managed forest is ridiculous.

This is a measure to clear up *city litter*, not help the planet.


hcase5 t1_j219tcs wrote

What if I told you can save both planet and forest? And if you read my comment you would understand that it’s not about litter, because it’s only for meals eaten IN the restaurant. It will only reduce restaurant garbage, but not the take away, people can remains assholes and litter if they want to.