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umassmza t1_j6moy3j wrote

The old school chemistry kits were awesome. Some dangerous stuff in there.


ohmygoditsdip OP t1_j6mp53a wrote

More power to the child who can use this thing without burning their baby brother.


ohmygoditsdip OP t1_j6mowww wrote

I should probably figure out how to properly dispose of it…


Earl_I_Lark t1_j6mufm6 wrote

I had one of those. And no supervision. I feel like it’s only luck that I survived childhood


Tibor66 t1_j6mzbsg wrote

I had something like this as a kid. No idea what to do with it. No instructions. I'm lucky nothing horrible happened.


Few_Albatross_8131 t1_j6njoi4 wrote

Gilbert chemistry set a classic toy from my youth (this is the 50's version - but in the late 1960s lots of these were still floating around). Used to come with a few potentially nasty compounds. I still remember the sulfur smell in the basement from one bad experiment.

(No not talking about doo-doo).


ohmygoditsdip OP t1_j6nnxsj wrote

Ha! I need to get this thing out of my basement before it experiments with itself anymore.


MrMissus t1_j6n4ugj wrote

I mean, considering how old that seems, I'm pretty sure a bit water would have done the same.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j6nofgc wrote

Almost as fun as those die cast soldier makers that included a few bars of lead to be melted.


Kahnza t1_j6o8slg wrote

You can clean that up real easy with some hydrogen peroxide *wink-wink*