Submitted by t3_126hzds in movies

An unusual deviation from the romance we are used to. Makoto Shinkai subverts everything we know about romance by not giving us a 'happily ever after'. Instead he focuses on separation and distance, and how some factors beyond our control can be a hindrance to our heart's desire. Throughout the movie, you want both Tataki and Akari to get together, but alas they couldn't.

I loved the dialogues in the film. It gave the movie a certain existential feel to it. Each line about longing and separation was soul striking. It will make you pause the film and take a moment to reflect.

Just like any other anime film, the movie has breathtaking visuals. The cinematographer has done a beautiful job of portraying the landscapes and cherry blossoms. You can take screenshots of any frame and use it as your wallpaper.



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t1_jea1eva wrote

>An unusual deviation from the romance we are used to. Makoto Shinkai subverts everything we know about romance by not giving us a 'happily ever after'.

All of his movies were like this until Your Name. That Your Name doesn't have an overtly sad ending was kind of a twist at the time.

I think 5cm is the best of his anti-romance era. It does a great job of capturing how much a teenage crush can feel like your whole world, and also how easily it can slip away. Some people grow up by letting it go, and some grow up with those scars, but all of us move on somehow.


t1_jeame99 wrote

One of the reason the film is "in"famous is because it resonated with so many. Many had our first love and most never able to profess it just like how the 2 characters let the letter slip/unable to give the letter because of the external force (the wind) or the internal lack of courage that stopped us to convey our feeling.

The distance between the 2 person hearts drifts apart at the rate 5cm/s, the same speed of cherry blossom fall, slowly but surely.

I don't know a lot about western literature but in asia first love is a hot genre of romance literature. It has always been associated with melancholy, regret and bittersweetness about an unattainable yet most beautiful love.


t1_je96n7q wrote

This is such a great movie! It is so beautiful and score is amazing! As you mentioned every frame is gorgeous and can be made into a wallpaper.

This movies so under appreciated and deserves so much more recognition.


t1_je9jugu wrote

>I loved the dialogues in the film.

I haven't seen it in a long time, but wasn't there just one scene of dialogue in the middle and the rest was all narration?

A common piece of advice given to writers in the West is 'Show, don't tell.' This was lampshaded in the famous Futurama joke, 'You can't have characters just announce how they feel! That makes me angry!' I honestly thought this film was the worst offender I've ever seen.

I'll agree to the pretty pictures though!


t1_je9z9iq wrote

Narration? Aren't they the character's inner dialogue telling how they feel?

Of course there are several symbolisms and hints throughout the film but it is not like the male lead didn't show how he felt powerless as a child unable to profess his love or the second female character didn't realize why her feeling would never reach her crush.

Even at the last part where there was no dialogue, the song lyric beautifully captured the male lead's journey "always searching for you on the opposite platform or through window in the back alley" and his wish to have "one more time, one more chance".


t1_jea1l08 wrote

>Narration? Aren't they the character's inner dialogue telling how they feel?

You're right, 'internal monologue' would've been a better description


t1_je9run8 wrote

No comment about this part. But the best part of the movie literally starts when one more time one more chance plays. Like the whole movie builds up to the train climax. Insane.


t1_jeah24w wrote

This movie brought me down hard when I saw it in college. The scene at the end where the two characters, who once deeply loved each other, passed each other on the street and didn't even recognize each other just filled me with sadness that you could be that immemorable, even to a previous flame. And then that song. Man. Every time I listen to One More Time, One More Chance, I instinctively feel sad.


t1_jeas9f7 wrote

Same here. Watched it in college and was depressed for a week. Loved this movie.


t1_jec66xp wrote

That scene hit my heart so much!

And that song! Oh God! I sometimes try not to tear up when i hear it.


t1_je9vz8d wrote

This is probably my favourite anime romance movie; I remember hating the movie the first time I watched it because I just didn't expect it not being a traditional romance and it threw me off, but on a rewatch I just absolutely loved it. It's so beautiful in just how mundane and non-fantastical it is (compared to like most of the rest of Shinkai's works, which usually brings in some magical element). It just lets you simmer in this bittersweetness throughout that arises from just natural circumstances and nothing else.

The movie kinda reminds me of In the Mood for Love tbh, with both dealing with the melancholy from missed opportunities, backed by vivid visuals and a great soundtrack. They are different in pretty big ways too, but they both just give me the same kinda feeling when I watch them.


t1_je9yr0p wrote

I think the fact that you required 2 viewings backs up my point about the first half being poorly written. Their alleged feelings for each other aren't given any credibility until we actually see them interact in the middle.


t1_je9z5n6 wrote

I agree that it's not the best written (I think it's one of Shinkai's earlier features where he's still a bit raw), but idk if my needing 2 viewing is the perfect evidence for it. There's plenty of movies which I didn't appreciate until a later viewing which I still think were well written (like Enemy (2013)).


t1_jea045d wrote

He's definitely improved a lot, starting with Your Name. When that film came out a lot of people were calling him "The New Miyazaki" and I felt offended on Miyazaki's behalf because I'd seen his previous films...

I still think there's a big gap between their respective storytelling abilities, but it's not the huge chasm it used to be!


t1_jea0j7u wrote

I can agree with that, Shinkai's main strength are his visuals over his story telling, even though he has improved in the latter. I think Shinkai still has a ways to before I can talk about him at the same level as someone like Miyazaki. I'd say anime directors who can considered at that level are Isao Takahata and Satoshi Kon (who I think is straight up the best, despite having his career get cut short).


t1_jea4yql wrote

It's my favorite film of his.

Voices of a Distant Star is nice too.


t1_jecrh80 wrote

Fan387, here's a live-action movie you might want to track down, as it moodily explores the same feelings of romantic separation as the wonderful 5 Centimeters Per Second:

The Thai film What Time Is It There?


t1_je9wfp0 wrote

It's been a while since I've seen this movie but I think it was this movie that made it dawn on me how quiet it gets outside when it's snowing