Submitted by hockey-guy99 t3_1264wog in movies

We all agree that sequels usually suck, but I feel like the Bourne series got better as it went along. I’ll go as far as say Supremacy is my least favourite. I think the fact that they never treated the subsequent movies as ‘sequels’ (same plot, etc.) is a big part of the reason. Also I don’t consider it to be a true Bourne movie unless I hear Moby’s ‘Extreme Ways’ during the credits.



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benjecto t1_je8bjxs wrote

I don't agree that they got better. They progressively lost that rawness and authenticity of the first movie.


spiderglide t1_je954uy wrote

I agree. The first 2 sequels were OK, but the Bourne Identity is the only one I'd describe as a really good movie


Betrayer_Trias t1_je9bsux wrote

I'm with you on this. I don't know if you're actually in the minority here, but I think the first is the pinnacle of an overall strong original trilogy. It really changed the game in terms of spy movies at the time for a reason.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je8krch wrote

I think you’ll find you’re in the minority here. But I respect your opinion.


modifiedminotaur t1_je7nzyk wrote

Extreme Ways is in the credits of all five films, so not sure what you’re saying about ‘true’ Bourne movies.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7o64z wrote

My bad I thought it wasn’t in the first one. Thanks for making me looking bad


nowadaysyouth t1_je8f55k wrote

So you don’t consider the first Bourne a real Bourne movie? That’s uh pretty weird.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je8n8rt wrote

Not sure how you got that from my post but ok if that makes you feel good.


EducationalFlight925 t1_je8rdjq wrote

>Also I don’t consider it to be a true Bourne movie unless I hear Moby’s ‘Extreme Ways’ during the credits

>My bad I thought it wasn’t in the first one. Thanks for making me looking bad


Bizarre_Protuberance t1_je7mo21 wrote

Am I the only one who thought that the Bourne films were really repetitive?

I liked the first one, but every film after that was just another variation of "I need to know about my past" followed by some fights, a big car chase scene, and then learning one more piece of the puzzle.

I actually liked Bourne Legacy more than any of the mainline Bourne sequels because it deviated from this pattern.


starsInThineEyes t1_je7syio wrote

Hmm I disagree. I loved the first three Bourne movies. Yeah they followed a formula, but it was executed well. And I thought Bourne Legacy was really slow. I didn't find Jeremy Renner interesting or even entertaining.


simplycycling t1_je8wno7 wrote

I really liked Bourne Legacy...until they made the last 15 minutes a car chase. I'm not sure why this series is so fascinated with car chases that always end in unsurvivable crashes.


Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_je7oy3d wrote

I personally think that's a one movie premise, they failed at coming with other interesting concepts for the sequels, they all feel like the same movie in my memory.

I personally prefer Mission Impossible, every sequel comes with the promise of new action sequences and cool gadgets, kinda like the old school 007 ones.


asoiahats t1_je8eovg wrote

Nah they’re pretty rough. The first one was fun but the rest are just like so what?


donsanedrin t1_je8qyu4 wrote

Nah, it peaked with Supremacy.

You could consider Supremacy and Ultimatum to be co-depedenant, but ultimately from Ultimatum onwards, they do the same thing.

"Oh actually, THIS GUY was the one who was there from the very beginning and is the real mastermind behind Treadstone."

"Wait, actually, there's ANOTHER secret about how you become Jason Bourne at the very beginning."

I stopped caring the moment I noticed the pattern.


Kelvin_Inman t1_je7mlbj wrote

I love those movie, but the first had the best direction with Doug Liman. Then Paul Greengrass brought the shakey cam for the sequels. They could have been so much better without it.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7mtw5 wrote

I’ll respectfully disagree. They got got better with age


Kelvin_Inman t1_je7n2ip wrote

I do think the overall quality improved, but I feel they could have been better with less shakey action scenes.


vfx4life t1_je7vbin wrote

At the time it was a fresh look, it's pretty dated and overused now though.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7n7he wrote

Fair enough I’m not that much a movie buff to notice I guess


Squand0r t1_je80jfb wrote

Pamela Landy, bitte


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je81yns wrote

“What if I can’t find her ?” “It’s easy, she’s standing right next to you”


Twigling t1_je91iwh wrote

I love Damon's first three movies but the fourth, 'Jason Bourne', is a real stinker.

Not a fan of Greengrass's overly excessive use of shakey cam but I endure it.


Various-Salt488 t1_je7kbzz wrote

I feel like they need to wrap up the story with a final movie.


cjyoung92 t1_je86hvv wrote

In my opinion, the story was nicely wrapped up in The Bourne Ultimatum.


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7ki7s wrote

I would love one more !! Get some rest Pamela you look tired


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7kx8y wrote

I’m just going to say it. Bourne is tougher than Chuck Norris


BillMcCrearysStache t1_je8nndo wrote

I love how every movie has that one moment of like OH SHIT. ‘What if we cant find her?’ ‘That should be easy, she’s standing right next to you’ then the music goes off lol


DynamicPJQ t1_je7thmg wrote

Agreed. Bourne Legacy is a masterpiece…


hockey-guy99 OP t1_je7tkwq wrote

Thank you !!


UBlamingMeforMaryann t1_je8399a wrote

I could watch the beginning sequence of bourne legacy over and over. Its so intriguing. The timed course in alaska, outrunning the wolves, osacr issac asking him why would he take the risk on the mountain side after renner beats his time. The predator drone takin them out. Extremely well done


Olipipee t1_jebp1g7 wrote

I love the scene where the two agents visit her at her house. That whole sequence is brilliant.


OilRepresentative370 t1_je8a008 wrote

My favorite spy movies. Bourne is way cooler than James Bond and Ethan Hunt. Bro is a massive force on his own. The others have teams and gadgets almost always at hand.


simplycycling t1_je8wwh3 wrote

I actually credit the Bourne Identity with kicking some life back into James Bond - Casino Royale, IMO, was the best Bond movie ever, and they stripped it down, got rid of the campy bullshit, which I think was a direct reaction to the Bourne Identity.


Veni_Vidic_Vici t1_je99wft wrote

Ehh it really isn't. Casino Royale falls apart after Le chiffre's death which in itself was anticlimactic. Vesper's betrayal was awkwardly done IMO with a really over the top sequence of her drowning and Mr. White was totally inconsequential.


458_Wicked_Pyre t1_je8omik wrote

I'd agree except for the last one, the last one was just bad. It's like they made everyone dumb and no ones actions make sense. Same goes for the tech aspect.


Furyio t1_je8qyk8 wrote

Haha wow. Watched the first one few hours ago on a whim 😂


GFVeggie6 t1_je8ul2d wrote

I didn't like the last one at all. It felt like it went nowhere but it was nice to have Matt Damon back.

I did enjoy Legacy, though it was more of a Bourne spin off. I liked the story and the new group was interesting.


simplycycling t1_je8wigy wrote

I loved the Bourne Identity, but the last movie (Jason Bourne) was embarrassingly bad.


ErikPanic t1_je8oxs7 wrote

I really didn't like the most recent one (the one that's just called Jason Bourne) and I never saw the Jeremy Renner one, but the original trilogy is one of the best, most consistent movie trilogies ever.


bookshopgirl1 t1_je8v7si wrote

It did. Until they killed his spouse to get to him.


ParisAintGerman t1_je8xahr wrote

I actually love the first one, the script is tight and Marie adds a lot as a character. I’m also not a big fan of Greengrass who directed the sequels


Life_Celebration_827 t1_je9ndaw wrote

If you want to see real looking hand to hand combat watch Bourne movies the crap you see in John Wick movies is fkn stupid 🤦 and well over the top.


kingkongkingoftitans t1_jebh43k wrote

If I had to rank them it would go




I feel like the action could've been shot better in the 2nd and 3rd and it was quite repetitive e.g we've found Bourne activate the asset, oh wait he killed the asset. Do we have another one? Good activate that one. Find Bourne kill him!!!

I also feel like the endings were way too anticlimactic in the later 2 but overall I love everything else about them tbh.


widdumqueso717 t1_jedg09c wrote

Imo The Bourne Legacy was the worst. Of the Matt Damon movies, Supremacy was the least entertaining. I’d rank them as 3, 1, 5, 2, 4.


[deleted] t1_je9brqr wrote

First one emulated the brilliant tv series

Second one emulated the first film in part, but added the new director's shaky cam style

Third one emulated the parts of the second one that didn't emulate the first

The fourth discarded everything that made the films good

Legacy isn't a Bourne film but is really good in it's own right