Submitted by Single_View_3645 t3_125fkn3 in movies

This is something that I generally end up doing anyways after midnight, but I’m genuinely curious what y’all would suggest. I’m looking for something that isn’t necessarily that impressive visually (it can be I guess) but is very soothing almost like ASMR. Also maybe something that is on the slower side. A film that uses a narrator would be a great suggestion.

Two that immediately come to mind for me is:

  1. La Jetée (1962) amazing narration, however it is very intriguing and you’ll want to stay focused throughout the entire 30 minute runtime. Give it a shot because the visuals are a bunch of stills and the narration plays out like an excellent short audiobook.

  2. A Man Escaped (1956) beautiful French Narration and ASMR. Every creak, crack, and whistle are important. Just sucks that I’m not a native French speaker or this would be my go to every night when I’m trying to sleep.

Noirs are really good when it comes to something like this. Something like Sunset Boulevard or older Hitchcock. Anything with Orson Welles. Slower Sci Fi or Westerns for the mold pretty well. 2001 and Good Bad/Ugly come to mind.

I have a lot of go to’s but I’m wondering if there’s something else out there that people put on at night that they like snoozing to.

Edit: Both Bladerunner films are incredible for this. There was a period in my life where I would throw on either one of them every night and just drift off.



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RedKetchup73 t1_je40tfy wrote

I had that roommate who need to start playing fight club to fall asleep


Single_View_3645 OP t1_je41byg wrote

I can see how this could work because Edward Norton’s narration at the beginning of the film is very soothing. I’ve noticed that if I’ve seen a film multiple times already, it’s easier for me to fall asleep to it… except for Lord of The Rings. I just can’t no matter how tired I am


SilconAnthems t1_je4g7pn wrote

Sleeping over at a friend's house we both fell asleep watching it and the DVD went back to the menu. If you aren't familiar with the menu music, it shifts between the soothing boop boop boops to the very loud titles music. It was very anxiety inducing for me and I couldn't turn it off as my mate was sleeping on the remote. Thank you for unlocking this memory.


MrPuddinJones t1_je4m5qx wrote

Holy shit I've been there too, sleepover anxiety when you couldn't sleep was the worst. You always woke up the next day tired and groggy


MisterEinc t1_je4ip80 wrote

Intro of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 does it for me.


Spooky_Cron t1_je44rz9 wrote

‘The vast of night’ would be good for this. It’s about a guy at a radio station and a girl on a switch board in a small town who maybe pick up an alien signal. Lots of long dialogue sections with not huge amounts of visual activity. I’ve listened to it in bed and it could almost be a radio play


Unfaidhj t1_je51aeh wrote

It’s perhaps my favourite Coppola; I’m sure most would (understandably) disagree, but I just really love it.


D6Desperados t1_je55z53 wrote

Damn, I forgot about this movie, it was SO good. Such a surprise.


gmorkenstein t1_je66i94 wrote

This was one of my favorites from the last few years. It’s so damn good.


ramblinallday14 t1_je40axm wrote

It sounds so weird but I fall asleep to Fincher’s Zodiac. The first 15 minutes of the movie are a nice soundscape to just drift away to.


SkeletonLordDimy t1_je40xqb wrote

Le Samourai is extremely relaxing to watch.


Single_View_3645 OP t1_je41iy2 wrote

Just watched this recently. It was my introduction to Melville and Delon. Excellent film


PlasmaCarrot79 t1_je416sv wrote

It took me four attempts to finally watch The Conversation because I somehow always fired it up later of an evening, and something about the tone of that movie totally relaxes me (at least until that moment later on). To this day it’s my “comfort snooze” and one of my absolute favourite movies.

Edit: also The Andromeda Strain


Single_View_3645 OP t1_je41f1t wrote

Never heard of this one, so that’s an awesome suggestion.


PlasmaCarrot79 t1_je4jgg5 wrote

If you do watch it you must let me know what you think. It’s perhaps my favourite Coppola; I’m sure most would (understandably) disagree, but I just really love it.


zenejinzorin t1_je4ar3h wrote

Princess bride. Literally tellinging a story to a kid going to sleep. Any random screen you hear or wake up for is great.


TheRealClose t1_je419g1 wrote

If movies aren’t doing it for you, try Summoning Salt’s speedrun history videos on YouTube. Took me like 6 nights to get through his latest video. They are very well made but very relaxing and perfect for me to fall asleep to.


Slow-Attitude-9243 t1_je41ysq wrote

The 80's tv miniseries of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. With Alec Guinness as Smiley.


bernsteinschroeder t1_je4833o wrote

I don't know about falling asleep to but it's an amazing series (as is the followup Smiley's People).


genaugenaugenau t1_je4n6xk wrote

Pride & Prejudice (2005) has one of the most beautiful and quiet soundtracks, and Jean-Yves Thibaudet’s piano is just lovely and calming. By the 15th or 20th viewing, you can be asleep before Elizabeth and Darcy even meet!


Pal__Pacino t1_je41k9o wrote

Forbidden Planet knocks me out for some reason. I guess it's the perfect combination of escapist, atmospheric, and kind of boring.


lizzpop2003 t1_je4dh9d wrote

Pretty much any movie I've seen multiple times and really liked works for me if I'm tired. I can just not think about it and let it wash over me, and before I know it, I'm out.


Ok-Fig6407 t1_je4tx60 wrote

Yes. It has to be something you’ve seen already so you’re not really paying attention to see what happens.


Dragonborn83196 t1_je4fuhk wrote

I tend to fall asleep well to comedies, I will either pop on Rick and Morty which I’ve probably seen each episode 100 times, Airplane, Spaceballs, Robing Hood Men in Tights. Humor has always been my go to for soothing and to assist in turning my brain off, which is something I have a very difficult time doing on my own


Ok-Fig6407 t1_je4u2yn wrote

I’ve tried doing that with It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia but I’d laugh and wake myself up too often.


kotoman73 t1_je4jtey wrote

A Ghost Story One of the most boring and pointless films ever created.


FeastForCows t1_je8pcvq wrote

For a second I thought you meant "A Chinese Ghost Story" and was ready to pounce.


Dimpfelmoser66 t1_je4m3z4 wrote

Andrei Rublev (1966) by Tarkovsky does the trick for me. Works every single time.


wisperingdeth t1_je4y13f wrote

Sideways (2004). Really chilled out melodrama about a couple of guys going on a wine drinking road trip. Great characters and cast, and completely relaxing atmosphere through the whole movie.


Trevinator15 t1_je86y6d wrote

Not me, but my brother says he’ll put on the first “Lord of the Rings” so he can sleep.


averyhungryhobo t1_je4azqd wrote

The lord of the rings. Fellow ship of the ring DVD, so the menue plays after the movie


SilconAnthems t1_je4gj3w wrote

I almost never fall asleep watching a movie, but I tried twice to watch The Bad Batch (2016) and both times fell asleep at the start of the second act. There seems to be something so sleep-inducing in that film.


Gloomy_Swordfish_882 t1_je4jv5m wrote

Lord of the Rings, the score is fantastic and something homely about middle earth


MrPuddinJones t1_je4m17i wrote

My playlist is Gladiator, Armageddon, Shrek 1 and Shrek 2.

Gladiator the soundtrack just hits right and puts me to sleep, Armageddon comes on and if I need to use the toity or drink some water, it's some action for me to enjoy for a couple minutes while I wind back down, Shrek 1 and Shrek 2 make me laugh, and laughing first thing in the morning when you're waking up starts the day on a good note.


estine1979 t1_je4pse5 wrote

The Bridges Of Madison County is a surefire cure for insomnia.


MrLazyLion t1_je4qji1 wrote

The English Patient (1996) 2h 42m.

At the close of World War II, a young nurse tends to a badly-burned plane crash victim. His past is shown in flashbacks, revealing an involvement in a fateful love affair. 7.4/10.

Meet Joe Black (1998) 2h 58m.

Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter. 7.2 / 10.

Begin Again (2013) 1h 44m.

A chance encounter between a down-and-out music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter, new to Manhattan, turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents. 7.4 / 10.

Rudderless (2014) 1h 45m.

A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis. 7.4/10.


sielingfan t1_je4s0qo wrote

Old episodes of Star Trek shows. TV used to be different than it is now... Up until Voyager, you really don't need to pay attention to plots and actions and overarching themes. Each week is a quick, lo-fi getaway, competently made and entertaining without demanding your total slavish focus. You can tune in and out at will, fall asleep in the middle, won't matter, you can enjoy it all.


Culunbego t1_je4svyv wrote

Fallen asleep hundreds of to French Kiss. Love that movie


Dragoninatophat t1_je4sx1s wrote

Probably doesn't fit what you're looking for, but I used to fall asleep to 1 of 4 particular episodes of MST3K every night for about 8 years.



Space Mutiny

The Final Sacrifice


zaftig_stig t1_je4ttml wrote

most recent Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy movie. I love it but also find it incredibly soothing.


Roses_In_The_Closet t1_je4wrqf wrote

Grand Budapest Hotel is my go to. The color pallet, the music, what little action there is is done in a way that it’s still relaxing. Only problem is if it’s not a film you’ve seen yet you’ll want to watch it before hand or else you will get interested.

Or LOTR lol


ryle_zerg t1_je50nhw wrote

Pitch Black... try it


ladylysn t1_je51bz6 wrote

The Possessed, The Big Sleep, The lady from Shanghai, The Misfits...


Zectherian t1_je55b8m wrote

Maybe im weird but i use

The Cronicles of Riddick, or Alien VS Predator alot

Or Godzilla


D6Desperados t1_je55xc2 wrote

Amelie (2001) has beautiful music and French narration.


dsmith422 t1_je59m6o wrote

Might be an odd choice, but I used to use Memento for this decades ago.


AdvancedDay7854 t1_je5d950 wrote

2001 is the answer you’re looking for. A wonderful winding classic score. Long segments of no conversation or such in depth conversation it makes you fall down a rabbit hole. Lots of Long background shots too. Total snoozer- but in a good way!


sorecuman t1_je5dymp wrote

I started watching 2001 A space Odyssey like 5 times and I have always fallen asleep


HonPhryneFisher t1_je5kx0v wrote

Clue. My husband and I watch it every single night, usually asleep before anyone slaps Mrs. peacock.


Big-Ad8993 t1_je68yln wrote

The Holiday is one of the wife’s favourites


sobuffalo t1_je6k8g0 wrote

Signs gets be every time.


001A002B t1_je6nap8 wrote

Empire Strikes Back - I've watched it so many times, I can fall asleep before the Luke and Han start talking on Hoth.


DynamicPJQ t1_je7up8s wrote

I’ve fallen asleep to Blade Runner twice. Still never seen the movie.


Squand0r t1_je817xg wrote

Swimming Pool was one of mine


Conjobbed t1_je846h8 wrote

Most Julia Roberts movies

Quite a few Marvel movies

Steven Seagal movies

Bruce Willis VOD movies


ConorJay25 t1_je8anky wrote

Logan, The Prestige, Godfather, Wall E


unicornpony85 t1_je8gphp wrote

Quiet City (Aaron Katz) is nice and sleepy. It's on tubi.


Lenene247 t1_jeaqxnz wrote

I suggest period films, particularly Sense and Sensibility. I love watching this movie when I'm sick and I can just drift in and out of sleep. Everyone talks in low, controlled tones, and the music and landscapes are so beautiful and soothing. Personally this works for me because I've seen it a million times, but it probably also works for people who find period films boring!


Peter_Keyes t1_jecz97m wrote

Congo (1995). It put me right to sleep.


platasnatch t1_je4b8jz wrote

The Royal Tannenbaums, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, NOPE. I can fall asleep to anything if the volume is just right


Cake-Over t1_je4c9hi wrote

Lord of the Rings directors cut. I've yet to stay awake through any of them. Some of the best rest I've ever gotten.