Submitted by t3_yg2685 in movies

Just watched the movie and it's just absolutely brilliant! Personally I am not a huge Coen Brothers fan. I don't understand why Fargo is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. People call that film funny but for me it's not, I don't find humour in that film it was not even thrilling for me.

The big Lebowski was a bit entertaining and funny still too confusing for me to understand. No Country For Old Men is an amazing movie. It took 2.5 viewings to understand the film still there are some things that I don't understand. I came to know about Inside Llewyn Davis few weeks ago and I was really interested and boy what a riveting experience it was.

It is such and emotional and pessimistic movie that it hits you in your heart. Whole struggle of Llewyn just hits you that he is trying and struggling still not getting. Him getting punched even after giving such a great performance really makes you sad.

After reading different perspectives on the internet combined with my opinion i feel that this is a movie about bad timing bad luck and stupid mistakes can ruined Llewyn's dream.

Him saying Au revoir felt like saying goodbye to his dream. Tbh I never understood why people where calling him a jerk. Yeah he made some mistakes like making fun of that lady. But what mistakes did he made? How he was a jerk? I was really sympathetic towards him that after so much of struggle anyone would give up.

What are your thoughts regarding the film? Would love to know your opinion.



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t1_iu6jpiv wrote

Don’t like Fargo?

I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.


t1_iu6s44l wrote

I love how she was the only remotely likable character in the movie and the whole movie she’s just like “wtf is wrong with everybody”


t1_iu6i167 wrote

> I don't understand why Fargo is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time.

"Dark Comedy"


t1_iu7ra6j wrote

How was he a jerk? When was he not a jerk? He possibly impregnated his friend’s wife. Then he tried to borrow money from said friend to pay for an abortion. The same friend who got him work as a session guitarist. He was a jerk to his sister, a jerk to the people who let him crash on their couch, a jerk to his friends because they were successful musicians, a jerk to his agent.

I really love the movie but Llewyn is an asshole.


OP t1_iu7yacs wrote

See it was also Jean's fault too both made mistake. Yeah he was a jerk to his sister I can agree. He was good to most of the persons who let him crash on their couch except the cat owners(forgot their title).


t1_iu6u14r wrote

love this movie! the music in it was so good and even better that Isaac can sing great himself.


t1_iu6oogr wrote

Interestingly enough, it annoyed me intensely. I just wanted to give him a good shake.


OP t1_iu7yrzw wrote

Please elaborate on that. I know he made mistakes because of his own stupidity


t1_iu7z2h3 wrote

It’s a long time since I saw it on original release, I but I seem to recall he self-sabotaged every opportunity. It just made me cross and depressed


t1_iu6lzmi wrote

I love coen bros movies…but for some reason, I have zero interest in this film. It’s one of those movies that I have no interest in even trying to watch. Seen every other one.


t1_iu8trn3 wrote

It's honestly one of their best in my opinion and I'm a huge Coen fan. As I've got older, A Serious Man and Inside Llewyen Davis are probably my top two of their films.


t1_iu7mbyc wrote

Love the movie. It also helps that I and my wife are named Jim and Jean and we had an orange cat and a folk singer friend who has the same jacket that Llewyn wore. I love all the Cohen bros. movies. Llewyn is one of their best but I think my favorite is Miller’s Crossing.
