Submitted by patrick99e99 t3_yhv1t8 in movies

Hi everyone...

I was recently reminded of a very obscure film that I saw only parts of back in the early 1990s, but never found out what movie it was... Unfortunately, because I only saw bits of the movie, and the fact that it was so long ago, I barely remember any of it... But, what I do remember is, there was some kind of murder or robbery or crime being committed, and I think I am remembering there was a necklace (diamond or pearl) involved-- in fact as I write this, I think I remember someone wearing a necklace being strangled??-- but the main detail that I do vividly remember, is that this murder scene was shot completely in 1st person perspective, like the camera going through various rooms of a house until they found this person (with I think a necklace).. And then way later on in the movie, there was a LaserDisc player and someone put a disc in it, and as it played, on the TV was that whole 1st person perspective going through that house scene from before... So it was like, the murder never really happened, it was all implanted in someone's memory making them think they committed this crime...

Does that sound familiar to anyone at all???



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UKS1977 t1_iufu1qa wrote

Strange Days


patrick99e99 OP t1_iug0v97 wrote

>Strange Days

No... can't be.. I saw this in 1994, and it was an older movie.. looked like it was from the mid-late 80s.


suns3tf1ip t1_iufu0k3 wrote

James Cameron's - Strange Days


kylepm t1_iug1hvn wrote

Kathryn Bigelow. I think Cameron helped produce, but she directed it. I think they were in a relationship at the time, too.


suns3tf1ip t1_iug4u2i wrote

That was the zest of my jest.

As far as rating THE defining cyberpunk flicks of that era...I'd have to go:

Strange Days


Johnny Nmemonic

Lawnmower Man

...and I suppose that low budget arthouse first year philosophy crash course The Matrix can duke it out with Tank Girl for an honorable mention.

However...worthy of note...Strange Days featured a absolute banger of a Skunk Anansie choon on the soundtrack:


patrick99e99 OP t1_iug5a96 wrote


I saw this in early 1994, all of these movies were made after then... I believe this movie was from the 80s, as it featured a LaserDisc...


Tr0nLenon t1_iug6k6m wrote

LaserDisc continued until like 2000. If anything, LaserDisc had its most "popularity" in the 90s.


patrick99e99 OP t1_iug76xj wrote

ok, well this was on the tv at a motel I was staying at while skiing in early 1994.. It could not have been a new movie at that time, so it has to be a film from before 94.


Tr0nLenon t1_iug8eki wrote

The only other 2 I can think of that have 1st person pov shots around that time is Brainstorm (1983) and The Lawnmower Man (1992)


1denirok5 t1_iufy6ip wrote

Anything is possible. Nothing is forbidden.


Redcandle_15 t1_iugrtmp wrote

Try the tip of my tongue subreddit


ZorroMeansFox t1_iugt74l wrote

The only thing similar I can recall is Lynch's Lost Highway.