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jstncrdbl OP t1_iy8m6jk wrote

Interesting! Thanks I’ll give it a quick watch


Okorela t1_iy9cjf2 wrote

I just watched it today by myself to test it out for my kids. It's not scary at all, very cartoony. Evil plans involve just stealing money using comical means, and no one gets actually hurt.

My kids are very upset by death and threatening villains, too, and I felt they would love this movie.


EvilOctopusInk t1_iy8pj54 wrote

I did a quick scrub through to refresh my memory and nothing jumped out at me; my nephews loved it (same ages) though admittedly, they are not as afraid of things…it’s a genuinely funny movie; I watched it at their recommendation and also loved it. 😜