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Flynn74 t1_ixd1nys wrote

I love it because it's weird and hilarious. I rewatch it every couple of years.

The humour is not for everyone but there's a reason why it's a cult classic. Easily in my top 20 movies of all time.

I like most Coen Brothers movies but can't get into O Brother Where Art Thou?

Different strokes and all that...


blacksheep998 t1_ixd8eym wrote

I love O Brother Where Art Thou but damn if that movie doesn't have some weird pacing and scene changes.

I think it's because, before the film had released, the Coen Brothers said it was based on The Odyssey. Then afterwards they admitted that they hadn't actually read The Odyssey.

It kind of feels like they got a cliffnotes of the main plot points and tried to cram as many of them in as they could.