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piscatator t1_j79hreu wrote

I was wrong. Vermont Efficiency has saved Vermont ratepayers an estimated 3 Billion dollars since its inception, not a billion. As Amory Lovins stated many years ago the cheapest electricity is the kilowatts you don’t use. Oh and Vermonters have averaged .20 cents a kWh to NH’s .26 cents over the last two years while greatly increasing the amount of renewable energy produced electricity. Vermont actually has an energy plan and it’s working to decrease the cost of electricity for the ratepayers and make the source of that electricity more secure and environmentally friendly.


UnfairAd7220 t1_j79nhb0 wrote

Avoided cost isn't a savings. The meanings are not interchangeable. Renewables, like solar and wind are only available 25% and 35% of the time.

How much would we have saved if we kept VT Yankee going?

'Decreasing the cost of power' would have it well below a .10, seeing that's where it was even a couple years ago.

VT has a helluva plan.

ISO NE is hanging on by it's fingernails.


piscatator t1_j7awjgo wrote

Cost avoidance vs. cost savings explained.

Avoided cost refers to a cost that is not present now, but which is certainly coming in the future. So for example if I maintain my homes heating and cooling systems with regular maintenance it will last longer and I will avoid the cost of replacing the system early but not entirely.

Cost savings like the work Vermont Efficiency does means the home that uses 1000kwh to heat it every month now only uses 750kwh to create the same amount of heat. This equates to real dollars saved that can be spent elsewhere or put in the bank.