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CannaQueen73 t1_j7cda27 wrote

Downright balmy


Selfless- t1_j7cf8db wrote

Gotta get down to the garden center before they sell out…


The_Road_is_Calling t1_j7ci723 wrote

This flip flopping temperatures is a pain in the ass.

The warm days in the middle of winter only make the cold days worse. It doesn't need to be like it was this past weekend, but at least let us adjust to the cold.

And I despise this mud we get with the warm temperatures. I can accept mud in April when I know spring is right around the corner, but I don't want to be dealing with it in the beginning of February with two more months of snow removal hanging over my head.


nill0c t1_j7fw7fc wrote

Yes, and thawing my lawn, where I had to move a project car to keep the driveway clear for snow blowing (which I haven’t even had to start yet).

The damn thing is going to sink and it’s gonna be an even bigger mess than I’d planned.


Azr431 t1_j7h2bf4 wrote

It's really hard on the flora as well


COVID_2019 t1_j7ckmf9 wrote

This morning and when I went to take out the recycling, I said "wow, this feels pretty warm". Checked the thermometer and it was 32 degrees lmao. Extreme cold really throws off your perspective.


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_j7cclg1 wrote

Yup. Lots of people driving around with windows half down today.


BlackJesus420 t1_j7cicsp wrote

Just got back from a long walk in sunny Exeter. Truly springlike! What weather whiplash we’re experiencing.


the_nobodys t1_j7dfrwb wrote

Did you grab a slice from Otto? The butternut squash and ricotta and cranberry pizza is delish


BlackJesus420 t1_j7dhal9 wrote

I’ve yet to stop in, actually. That sounds super interesting though! Thanks for the rec.


Jasonp359 t1_j7cmwcv wrote

The temp change we went through from yesterday to today (-10F to 40F) is the same temp change from today to 90F temps. It's a huge jump!


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7cof2j wrote

I'd just said the same to someone except here the full swing from coldest yesterday to right now was -26° to 46°, so 118° on the inverse. Absolutely nuts.


Hobo9996 t1_j7chkyd wrote

43 and sunny in Durham, it's like nothing even happened


last1stding t1_j7cf5oj wrote

I saw a Chevy Corvette


ChickenNoodleSloop t1_j7cv34i wrote

Was following a Miata with the top down. hey if the weather allows sounds great... Surprised I didn't see a bike out lol


Yourcatsonfire t1_j7czwad wrote

I saw one out on one of the cold ass days Guy must have been insane.


A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j7cnbk4 wrote

It even felt warm to me once it got into the teens. It was 45 when I left work today and I rolled down the window. Feels like spring!


IBlazeMyOwnPath t1_j7e64ds wrote

its crap

I just want solid winter weather, none of this snow, rain, melt, freeze crap


schillerstone t1_j7cccgj wrote

It's 36 near Concord. Still close to freezing


hopefully-a-good-buy OP t1_j7cfojs wrote

41 in Manchester, still some wind though puts us at a 36 for the “feels like”. I’ll take it.


akmjolnir t1_j7d44if wrote

I was just sitting out on my deck having a beer thinking how nice a sunny day, 50° warmer than two days ago, felt.


NHiker469 t1_j7dav1e wrote

Spring will be here in a jiff. The sun is rising before 7AM and it just keeps getting better. 40s all week….excellent!


underratedride t1_j7dzjaf wrote

50° difference in a little over 24 hours is baffling to me


IntelJoe t1_j7ckvck wrote

Seriously, I didn't HAVE to wear shoes because the floor was too cold.


Spacecow t1_j7ctsw5 wrote

Windows open, getting some dusting/vacuuming done. I won't complain too loudly...


Enough_Device_6023 t1_j7cx1p6 wrote

Went to run errands. Had my windows down and my sleeves rolled up. The temp in my car read 32°


Common-Term-2539 t1_j7d2t93 wrote

Pellet stoves running, out to DQ for a burger in a henley, good day.


DeerFlyHater t1_j7dgh6t wrote

Nice day. It hit 26 here by Squam.

Good day to shut down the stove and clean it out.


Happy_Confection90 t1_j7dpn90 wrote

I think it's crazy that it's 40 and the rocks kicked up by the snow plow the week before last are still frozen to the driveway. The ground froze hard this weekend.


movdqa t1_j7du9k1 wrote

I went running today with just a sweatshirt and thin, long pants. No fleece jacket, balaclava or ski mask. It was very nice.


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_j7cunrz wrote

Skated in Concord today - there were a few kids in t-shirts. It was mighty warm


drivermcgyver t1_j7cx733 wrote

I feel we would be better off if it were colder like it was normally. People tend to use less heat and electricity where the population is more acclimated to the colder temperature regions. I was outside with my daughter and wife and mentioned that her sweatshirt wasn't even zipped up while we were outside and she laughed and said it just seemed like a really warm day to her.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_j7dr08e wrote

I mean 40 was warm before this weekend, but now it’s down right steamy


Environmental_Big596 t1_j7e60tn wrote

My girlfriend wanted me to start her car and I told her it was warm “40” and we didn’t have to, but 40 in September and we’d absolutely be starting it haha.


fins4ever t1_j7ffiro wrote

Yeah I went for a bike ride


nekowolf t1_j7frmr7 wrote

For the first time in weeks I used my treadmill instead of running outside on Saturday. This morning I woke up and ran and it felt positively warm out.


Jetpilotboiii1989 t1_j7glg5j wrote

I think my body got pretty used to the negative temps because I’m sweating now. I spent all of one hour in Tampa yesterday and 76° felt sweltering.


RobynZombie t1_j7f45sw wrote

I was actually sweating yesterday 😂


Ok_Low_1287 t1_j7d8lbj wrote

I just murdered a moose. Stupid thing was walking down my road. Can I eat the road kill?


hopefully-a-good-buy OP t1_j7d8sba wrote

uhhhhh i’m not sure if you’re being serious or commented on the wrong post, but yeah you can. to legally do so you need permission from a responding officer or fish & game. please call to report and then simply ask the officer if you can keep it to harvest.

it may need to be examined first, not 100% sure.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_j7dacd6 wrote

Yes, I did, but it’s on my private road. He ran right into my car…


hopefully-a-good-buy OP t1_j7davej wrote

you may still want to call fish and game first to be safe. but yeah man i agree if you unfortunately did kill it it’s much better to not waste the meat. moose isn’t the tastiest but it’s certainly edible and can be tasty with the right recipe. plus, that’s a lot of fucking meat.

what car do you drive? how big was the moose?

also, PM me if you keep it and want to get rid of any of the meat ;)


Vermotter t1_j7e2x8a wrote

They will want the data for next year's hunting permit numbers.


akmjolnir t1_j7g5ecb wrote

I'd post this in r/NHGuns or r/huntfishNH