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RickyDaytonaJr t1_jbmguu0 wrote

These tax dollars are going to be flushed down the toilet so Sununu can try to convince Republican primary voters that he’s “tough on border issues.” Fucking ridiculous.


The_Beardly t1_jbmtuls wrote

Hey, something’s gotta be done about all the illegal maple syrup flowing into our streets!


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_jbnraz4 wrote

We giggle but tourism from Quebec is down significantly from decades past. NH tax revenues used to benefit from all those cars with Quebec plates.

Cest la vie? We’re not friendly neighbors, so why spend money here. Merde.


raxnbury t1_jbo41qq wrote

It’s also weird because when I was a kid, 30 years ago, i was taught French I’m school. I remember so many more québécois back then.


Baranjula t1_jbo7zdg wrote

So you think that's because passports are now required?


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_jbo8kat wrote

No, I know that a lot of the Canadians who used to visit and spend in NH now spend a little more elsewhere.


soh_amore t1_jbobckm wrote

Canadians still regularly come to Buffalo / Niagara Falls to do business though. Weird that it seems to be an NH thing


Baranjula t1_jbobucj wrote

Huh interesting, I was in buffalo the other day and would have popped into Toronto if it weren't for the passport


akrasne t1_jbqd7ll wrote

We don’t like the wee wee s anyway lol


nixstyx t1_jbqzk8x wrote

It amounts to about $25,862 per border mile. Or $4.89 per foot.

Honestly, a wall would be cheaper.

EDIT: OK, I had to take this one step further, because who wants a wall?

So instead you could hire people at NH minimum wage ($7.25) to each patrol a 2.5 mile section of border and get entire border coverage 24/7/365. No benefits though, cause live free or die poor.

Hell, sign me up. I already walk around in the middle of nowhere for free.


gmcgath t1_jbto0tc wrote

You've forgotten that under a rule invented by the courts, everything within a hundred miles of an international border or the seacoast is a "border zone." The entire state is in the border zone.

The CBP has used this to set up checkpoints all over the White Mountains and harass people. That's what Sununu is helping to fund, not just patrols in Pittsburg.