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yeahimsadsowut t1_iyqy0za wrote

It’s to make sure bernie or a Bernie esque candidate can’t win. Making SC, then GA or MI first means Clintonites and their acolytes can run up big totals and momentums before the Bernie bros can even cast ballots.

It’s not meant to enhance diversity, it’s meant to shut it down. This is how you sink outsider campaigns before they even start.

Also it wouldnt surprise me if Biden is doing this literally to avoid getting primaried


besafenh t1_iyr1id4 wrote

True, however we saw the “rules” flex in the Democratic Debates, where Tulsi was tossed from future debates after curb-stomping Kamala over indefinite imprisonment for the financial gain of CalCorrections. Tulsi “didn’t qualify” while others were invited to the stage, polling worse or not polling at all.

“Legal” as Sanders v DNC held the primary process is the entire product of the Democratic Party, which the respective States and the FEC have no actual role in determining “fairness” or equal access.

The role of the States and the FEC comes in the general election, where the DNC can insist that rules of a State violate the fairness of BI-partisan elections. That the States have a legitimate role in repressing 3rd party and independent candidates, as “they are confusing voters” and not consistent with a history of BI partisanship.

Therefore, Primaries are mere Kabuki Theater. Nothing is as it appears, all the actors, including actresses, are men. The plot is known, the outcome assured.

Much as they did in 2015, the DNC can meet, decide to advance a single candidate (Hillary) or a small pool of candidates representing various factions within the Party: Beto, Kamala, Joe, Amy, Pete. One falters? Add another, maybe Deval Patrick will have the Obama touch. Not really declared? Put him on the ballot in NH as a A/B test.

That’s why “First in the Nation” is meaningless, unless you’re a paid political consultant, or you profit from the deeper pockets of a national political establishment, buying TV spots at 4X typical rates. If you’re WMUR? The First in the Nation, is a crucial, indispensable asset. One year of political ads, fluffs the budget for the next three.