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PirateLunaFox2121 t1_j15zb2b wrote

Try being an employee and getting the emails they sent out today regarding the holiday weekend being cancelled


bonez3113 t1_j1axpna wrote

I don’t feel bad, given the price increases, I’m sure you’re seeing a benefit. Our electric bill doubled from last month. Can’t wait to pay a $500 bill during the summer months.


PirateLunaFox2121 t1_j1az6ik wrote

🤣 good one you think they give us decent pay and raises! They didn’t even give Christmas bonuses. Even as an employee they don’t give us a discount… you can switch suppliers and lock in a rate which I suggest doing before next week before the price increases again! Idk how your bill went up from last month unless you put up 27 Christmas inflatables to compete with your neighbors.


Boats_are_fun t1_j1bfw5b wrote

Have you ever had a job before? The board will get massive bonuses and tell the workers sorry inflation and fuel prices killed us! No bonuses


Different_Ad7655 t1_j16xak0 wrote

Well of course not and it's the same story over and over and over again every year, Every Storm and millions and millions of dollars lost in revenue of potential income and cost to repair it all not to mention The Butchery of the roadways and the trees. God forbid, God forbid, that there would ever be the will to bury the power lines mile after mile to end all of this insanity. Whenever I go to Europe and then I come back, it looks so goddamn third world with power lines everywhere


[deleted] t1_j16z7ax wrote

I was just saying this to a buddy of mine today!

I get burying lines would be a massive undertaking but it beats millions spent year after year on repairs, not having dependable power in freezing temperatures, not to mention just adding to scenic beauty.

If a governor ran on the platform of burying nh lines I'd vote for him/her.


BodaciousGuy t1_j18b3g8 wrote

Maybe the utilities like the millions of dollars in government (people’s) money to continuously repair and restore above ground power lines? Maybe they significantly underbid above ground power lines knowing they’re going to get repair work, maybe they significantly over bid underground work knowing they won’t have the same repair work? Maybe they’re quietly campaigning against burying lines? Just some thoughts.


b3_yourself OP t1_j1b4cvs wrote

I think in nh especially, it’s just hard to dig because there’s very little soil, so it makes it harder to dig too


Different_Ad7655 t1_j179tu7 wrote

Well unfortunately it's far beyond the governor and it's an undertaking that should have happened way back in the 50s and the 60s. But business like it just the way it was and it was always such enormous resistance and misinformation. Germany after World War II mile by mile, kilometer by kilometer slowly buried everything. The countryside looks beautiful and is none of this crazy bullshit. Nowadays it would involve a surcharge into tax and you can imagine how people would go fucking nuts with that even though this would be something that would truly benefit all of us


[deleted] t1_j18sfzt wrote

I did some reading on it this morning. It seems the biggest resistance is from the utility companies themselves as you said. The cost and pain of putting underground wires isn't something they are interested in.

But it's definitely possible. It'd cost tens of billions and take decades but it's possible.

I mean we just passed a 3 trillion dollar infrastructure package. Nh can't get any of that to go towards improving our energy grid? It's not a luxury of just wanting lights for a few days in winter, as everyone here knows it's the fact it's freezing temperatures as well. Then pipes freeze and consumers pay 10s of thousands to fix. This is actually a good use of taxes people could get behind in my opinion


Different_Ad7655 t1_j19hr52 wrote

And there's so much propaganda and misinformation about this and all propagated by the lobbies of the power industry and public service of New Hampshire, for years and years. Whenever it would be brought forth Just for consideration it would be shot down. This is the difference between a well-run government with broader powers and a very conservative GOP government that lets everything be determined by the corporate interest and the market. It would have cost money to have done it and it would have been an infrastructure investment such as the interstates, Water and Sewer and any of those larger projects that take brighter Minds and commitment to do the right thing. But overhead power lines function sort of and Aesthetics never played much of a role in the US. Of course the larger argument would be to have uninterrupted service and possibly not the need of certain types of linements. Maybe there wasn't Union resistance as well I don't know. But it was never thought thoroughly through with any sort of push for the greater common weal.

We all become inured of the ugliness all around. But when you go to a nice place especially South of the Border in Massachusetts where there has been more commitment in villages and in urban spaces to reduce or put completely below the tangle, you might not at first notice what makes the place attractive. But then you stop and look and you realize they no lines no telephone poles no ugliness. But it's all about money and it's all about cost at this point and everything is thrust back to the consumer on the local level. Goffstown six or seven years ago we did their Main Street which is probably traveled 114 cuz there was no bypass and took such Flack over the Pedestrian bump out and the slowing of the traffic through the village. In America it's all about moving the audible deal first everybody else is fucked, who lives on the side. It's only an engineering consideration rarely rarely no never aesthetic and again. But even here with a spent all that energy and money private and Federal they could not get enough money to take the electric poles down. Still in ice or on the Main Street even though the rest of the pedestrian build-outs and Landscaping is more pleasant but still marred by Third World Electric connections

I travel a lot, spend a fair amount of time in Europe even in Eastern Europe where I still have some distant family and I'm amazed even in for poorer Poland most of the lines are buried. Go figure. Just a matter what you want to spend your money on and what is the most important thing. How you spend your dollars speaks volumes to the values especially the cultural values you share. There is no free lunch


Queasy_Turnover t1_j1acebf wrote

>We all become inured of the ugliness all around. But when you go to a nice place especially South of the Border in Massachusetts where there has been more commitment in villages and in urban spaces to reduce or put completely below the tangle, you might not at first notice what makes the place attractive.

This is so true. Bought a house in a southwestern NH neighborhood a few months ago and didn't even realize until a few weeks ago that there were no power lines around. I'm so used to seeing them that they usually just blend in with everything else but now that I've noticed my neighborhood doesn't have them, I really appreciate how much better it looks. Not to mention not having to worry about branches taking out any lines going directly to my house. Still didn't help with last weekend's storm though as we lost power for 12ish hours due to other lines in town getting taken out.


danlson381 t1_j16kmbv wrote

My grandfather has to be spinning in his grave. “The powah company is warnin you it’s gonna rain on Christmas?!?!?! Let me tell you about Christmas ot37, that staaahm was hoss shit!!!!”


Ogre213 t1_j17myst wrote

Least believable thing in here is Eversource saying they're ready to respond quickly...


ForklkftJones t1_j15ssnv wrote

You drug smokers better re-up tonight/tomorrow morning.


Annuate t1_j15p728 wrote

I still can't tell if we are actually getting rain or snow. The reports are all over the place about what is going to happen. News is hyping it up to be some storm of the century or something like that.


b3_yourself OP t1_j15pk60 wrote

It’s supposed to be in the 50s, so probably just rain, but it’ll be cold at the tail end. It will certainly be windy af


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j15zrul wrote

The reports I've seen all say rain. It's going to be far to warm to snow. We'll actually be one of the warmer parts of the country later this week. Pretty wild.


Difficult-Building32 t1_j163juo wrote

Where were the texts last weekend when 1/2 the state lost power? Typical knee jerk reaction...


RetroIsBack t1_j16hwov wrote

This is just eversource-aganda. The only thing they really prepare for is rate hike hearings.


Madisonnnnnnnnnnnn51 t1_j16v6r6 wrote

"We're ready for the storm" translates to "it's your fault if you get into a tough spot"


sdemat t1_j15tv1x wrote

I feel like Eversource always does this though. If you’re in SNH it’s likely just gonna be wind and rain.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_j16uwsy wrote

Translation: “we just doubled your rates so now we are really going to protect you, whether you need it or not!”


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j18zdro wrote

More like we just doubled your rates so if you lose power you’re really fucked because you’ll have no extra income to stay in a hotel or stock up on supplies to avoid perishing


Strict_Zebra_3585 t1_j16888q wrote

Winds that high for that amount of time are gonna equal a dark Christmas folks. If people would allow utilities to cut their trees down, we would have a lot better chance. Easy to blame the utility or the tree trimmers, but the reality is your neighbor that owns the tree has to give permission to cut it. If they don't give permission, you can thank them for the lights going out.


metrowestern t1_j1700ru wrote

Looking that way. I put 6 wheel barrows of dry wood into the garage today before the rain comes. Filled a few propane tanks. Better safe than sorry. Especially with the low temps following.


[deleted] t1_j16iad5 wrote

I think it's just a scam.It should say "We are raising your rates again but don't worry,the bad weather won't effect the increases in your bill". They are trying to seem more customer friendly.They could care less!


[deleted] t1_j16u1f6 wrote

Please don't ban me grammar monitor.Either way,I -COULDN-T-care-less


PossibilityThink t1_j171wnl wrote

I am gonna go with you used it correctly. They do care a little, I wouldn’t say they are don’t care at all because they did text us about it.

If they truly could not care less they would just leave us sitting in the dark until we develop our own power grid and give them a reason to start caring again.


besafenh t1_j18fcnu wrote

The Public Utility Commission loves this “proactive messaging” as it absolves Eversource from accusations that we “received no warning!”

Thereby leaving you home, in the dark, without food, alcohol, weed, and NFL Network.


xyz123gmail t1_j18potv wrote

We consider this a warning to stock up on weed and booze. Alas, the NFL may be a goner


Boats_are_fun t1_j1bhbyt wrote

No necessarily with Mobil internet and streaming. Can stream the games when you log in with your cable provider!


SquashDue502 t1_j17164x wrote

I’m scared to fly out of Boston Friday night lol


LackingUtility t1_j18k32l wrote

It's a lot cheaper to send out a mass text than to keep a couple of extra crews on overtime to be standby.


fernway73 t1_j15uac3 wrote

Dumb question but will this melt the remaining snow? Wasn’t in town to clear my driveway before it turned too dense to move, hoping this will solve my problem


trolllord45 t1_j1600mg wrote

Either that or turn it into a single solid sheet of ice. No in between.


Vi0lentByt3 t1_j15scoy wrote

I think after the last few storms that took power lines down and then how everyone was unprepared for the snow they are just trying to remind people to get ready even if this one wont be as bad


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j18z31x wrote

I am seacoast/lakes region, I can’t find info on this storm anywhere- weather app just says some non-freezing rain tomorrow, I google for info on this storm and only last weekend’s comes up. But it keeps getting posted on sm. What am I missing because I feel crazy.


TutenWelch t1_j190za2 wrote

New England Weather Guy on Facebook has a good summary. The causes of concern are the high winds (power outages are likely), heavy rain (flooding), and the rapid drop in temperature which could mean roads icing quickly during holiday travel (and will make things worse for the people without power).


AmazingChicken t1_j19gc8d wrote

Yeah excuse me while I run down to Plaistow for some of that yummy alcohol free gas for my Husqy. Can't afford to have a gum-up like last year.


AuthorSnow t1_j15hxzs wrote

It’s fear porn. This is mild as fuck


smoke4africa420 t1_j15n3ne wrote

Or maybe…just maybe they just want you to be prepared.


AuthorSnow t1_j15tuem wrote

It’s New Hampshire, it’s winter. This is as obvious as circles aren’t squares


Happy_Confection90 t1_j15skz9 wrote

50 mile an hour winds are not mild. We actually get that trees will come down.


AuthorSnow t1_j15tkxx wrote

So how is that different than any other winter?


r_hove t1_j15jpxs wrote

Aren’t we getting tons of snow though? Idk how that’s mild


Boats_are_fun t1_j15k4ah wrote

It’s literally going to be 55 degrees. Rain not snow


[deleted] t1_j16hfn3 wrote

3 inches of rain is a lot of fuckin rain


AuthorSnow t1_j15u0tt wrote

Exactly. It’s going to be 55, then drop. Worse is black ice and trees coming down. No different then any other winter in NH since the dawn of time.


TutenWelch t1_j162mec wrote

Nothing about the warning is suggesting that it's unusual for a NH winter, and it's weird to pretend that's the point. Yes, weather happens every year. That doesn't mean it's somehow useless to know when it happens.


Sirhc978 t1_j15l0rx wrote

Friday's forecast for Manchester says

>Morning rain and wind followed by a mix of rain and snow showers in the afternoon. High 52F. Winds SSE at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 100%.

North Conway is about the same.


AlexTheTolerable t1_j15tccp wrote

I’m supposed to fly out of Logan Friday afternoon, any chance my flight will get cancelled?


kamikaziboarder t1_j16624q wrote

Flights get canceled for less than this. With high wind warnings, most likely.


-cochise t1_j16qguf wrote

Your destination might be more relevant than your point of departure.


thatoneischairing t1_j190lim wrote

Way I see it the more they warn and talk about a storm the less intense it ends up being. Like hurricane sandy 10 or so years ago, fucking absolute fluke. Just my take from a loving southern Massachusetts neighbor


Gendoyle t1_j1969b7 wrote

Received two alerts yesterday. I live in southern NH. Prepping but hoping for the best.


thread100 t1_j15n2qk wrote

Russian bot causing rain panic. /s
