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Aaaaaaandyy t1_jaopvqx wrote

If Fulop runs and wins the nomination he’ll lose pretty easily to any moderate republican. He’s riddled with corruption and it doesn’t even try to hide it.


ShaddyDaddy123 OP t1_jap0jcu wrote

I agree, Fulop is the choice for "hes a democrat who looks good" voters. Mikie Sherill and Ras Baraka are better candidates.


Aaaaaaandyy t1_jap0r1k wrote

If you’re looking at Hudson county politicians I’d pick Bhalla over Fulop for sure. while he’s not 100% clean in terms of sketchiness, I still think he’s a good person who would do a good job.


ShaddyDaddy123 OP t1_jap13t9 wrote

The problem with Fulop is he is propelled by the part of the Dems that don't want to see a more moderate dem candidate. Thats why I think Mikie Sherill would sweep Fulop, Fulop is trying to catch a base that (if they new better) would never support him. When I initiated this poll, it surprised me to see Fulop perform better than people like Sweeney or Gopal.


HamTailor t1_jaq4ox7 wrote

I'll be voting for Former Goldman Sachs Exec I Didn't Know Existed Until Like a Month Ago. Again


New_Stats t1_jaocqrl wrote

I don't deal in hypotheticals, the world, as it is, is vexing enough.


jackietreehorn313 t1_japbksm wrote

I like Mikie a lot. That said, she should remain in Congress. I’m for Wisniewski giving it another go. He’s the one I supported in 2017.


Kab9260 t1_jaqzo9f wrote

I don’t have a dog in this fight but Mikie leaving could allow the congressional district to flip back to red. She capitalized on Frelinghuysen retiring and the conflict between moderates and MAGA voters in the district. The new district lines help Democrats, but there are still a lot of moderate conservatives in the area.


D00TZpop t1_jaqpk57 wrote

Yea pretty sure vin isn’t going to run. It’s not the right time for him.


D00TZpop t1_jaqpt61 wrote

Gottheimer is more likely to run than Vin is.


sutisuc t1_jas0tp9 wrote

I’d do sherrill just because she’d have the best chance at winning statewide and Fulop is a worm. I wouldn’t mind baraka but he’ll get annihilated in a statewide election once republicans dig into his family/personal past.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jaqi473 wrote

As someone who is in Newark on a daily basis I would rather we be a governor less state than see Ras Baraka as governor. The man is only mayor because he kisses up to the poorer mostly black wards and he doesn't do much for the city as a whole he's been riding the investments and connections made by Cory Booker . The ironbound section takes care of themselves and the few times he's been there for events he's been booed.