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yankeeblue42 t1_itx534o wrote

How to know if you are self centered: you want to ban something other people enjoy because it smells slightly unpleasant to you.

Good God the entitlement non smokers have is insane.

For the record I've been to cities around the world (mainly in Asia) that smell like literal garbage. It's not the most pleasant smell but I'm not out there trying to ban their way of life


Hand_Sanitizer3000 t1_itxmoi5 wrote

its not about the smell its about the fact that it literally fucking kills people. One group is saying "hey do what you want but don't have a negative impact on my life and health" and the other is saying "im entitled to a 10 minute break at work and if you dont like breathing in my disease causing poison just go somewhere else" and you think the former is the entitled one?


moomoomoo309 t1_itxkljs wrote

Secondhand smoke is bad for whoever breathes it in. Doesn't matter if it's "not that bad". The people breathing it in didn't sign up for it, they don't want to breathe it in, and shouldn't have to because of someone else's choice.