Submitted by ODDBOY90 t3_xw2vwc in newjersey

Should i look into hudson county Nj mainly, also how about newark elizabeth or hackensack, etc etc any secret downlow places. thats 30-45 minutes away from NYC and has transportation.

also are the co-op boards strict as they are in new.

Also how often do rent go up in apartments. Some say i should just go to philly others say try my luck in New york.



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siamesecat1935 t1_ir595z8 wrote

I don't know much about co-ops; I want to say generally there arean't many IN NJ. most complexes are rental. And as far as rent going up, generally, they go up annually. And your budget is low; while you might find something in that range, it will be hard, and maybe not that nice an area.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_ir7yfjn wrote

Wait what about condos?


siamesecat1935 t1_ir7z33e wrote

They’ll most likely be out of your budget. Most have central air, W/D, etc, so they’re pricier than most apartments. I’m in very western Morris county. Basic garden apt, a/c but not central, very dated and no W/D. My rent is just under $1700. It went up $150+ this year


Snownel t1_ir7c7t3 wrote

Sure, you and half of NYC...

I'd struggle to find anything under $1500 way out in Morris. I don't think you're going to have any luck on that budget a half hour from NYC by train. You'll need a roommate for that price.


siamesecat1935 t1_ir7z6e2 wrote

I agree. That’s where I am an pay just under $1700. Anything closer to Morristown, etc is much more


ODDBOY90 OP t1_ir7yn97 wrote


im not going to morris even tho i got family out there, i want to be closer to NYC. why is NJ so expensive literally noone even likes it their, heck the only reason im considering moving their is cause its by NEW YORK. no offense..Its better than PA tho.


Snownel t1_ir8bvpz wrote

Take what you'd spend in a month on rent and just visit, man. Don't move to a state you obviously don't like.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_ir8fzpx wrote

well ive never lived their i personally dont care, heck anywhere is better where im at now. at this point in my life im wondering if the hustle and bustle of the city is really worth it. i thought i could find a place in NJ that has that suburb laid back atmosphere thats next to NYC. make the money in NYC then enjoy it in NJ.


Snownel t1_ir8h1ey wrote

Yeah... you and half of NYC.

If you don't have a job lined up in NYC don't just yolo a move to a very high cost of living state just because it's close to a big city. The NJ-to-NYC commute is not for the faint of heart and shits gonna be expensive around any big city, but NYC metro is one of the worst because of its geography.


siamesecat1935 t1_ir7z9jh wrote

That’s exactly why it’s so much. High cost of living and the closer to nyc, the more you pay


gnitsuj t1_ira179s wrote

> why is NJ so expensive


Proximity to NYC and Philadelphia

Proximity to beaches

Proximity to hiking/nature

Availability of great food of all types

4 seasons without any of them being too extreme


> literally noone even likes it their

no one*


Then piss off and move somewhere else? We have enough people here without someone who doesn't even like it "their", move to the city if you don't like NJ. For a state no one likes we have an awfully high number of residents and the highest population density in the country.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irbhvo2 wrote

Stop playing as if you dont know about the infamous reputation about New jersey ,

I personally dont care, as im an adult. im just asking why its so expensive if no one apparently likes it. and trust me if Philly was closer to NYC or if NYC was more affordable and had more space I, along with alot of your implanted residents would be in NY or philly too.

btw im looking into union nj i hear its got fast trains to NYC.gif


inf4mation t1_ir5da04 wrote

Rent goes up every year unless you have a great landlord who values a good tenant over more profits.

1500 isnt much in the nyc area, get a roommate if you want to live decently in this area.