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srddave t1_ixx3iwu wrote

That’s the Bergen Town Center?
Are those rifles?

I am not used to seeing cops with rifles like that except in the subway/transit centers, and once inside of the Barbie Department in a Soriana in Mexico City. Have people seen this in other shopping malls in NJ?


DelayedContours OP t1_ixx9gfo wrote

Same that's why I was surprised. I guess that's just the climate we are in now, also Bergen is a somewhat affluent area so I guess they can afford these activities.


srddave t1_ixxb1j4 wrote

Well I am wondering if maybe there was a specific threat.

Seeing these guys in the shopping mall really does bring us one step closer to developing countries with high levels of violence, which I guess we have—considering all the mass shooting events.


love2Vax t1_ixzmv9x wrote

Summer of 2019 I went up to Alaska for a family vacation. Just north of Anchorage, we dropped into a small shopping center with a JoAnns fabric store. There was a security guard in full police tactical gear with a rifle inside the store. It did not make us comfortable thinking about why they would want that level of armorment in a store that sells sewing machines and craft stuff. After leaving we, searched maps and found it was really close to an impoverished trailer park.


srddave t1_ixzn46x wrote

Oh man you are talking about the Northway Mall I think. It’s a pretty notorious mall. I just watched a dead mall video on it last week.


Btdrnks2021 t1_ixzmi18 wrote

Those “developing” countries probably have less violence.


srddave t1_ixznaqd wrote

Nah. I have friends from Honduras and El Salvador and those places have MUCH higher levels of violence than the US.


chungusscru t1_iy0fjjh wrote

In my home country all the major malls and hotels have this. Violence is not common but over a decade a go there was attacks on some hotels and tourism took a hit. Since then security was upped and nothing has happened since.


srddave t1_iy0g5vj wrote

I have worked all around the world and I have only seen police with rifles like this in hotels in the developing world (where they are very common). What is your home country?


chungusscru t1_iy0ly0p wrote

Jordan its for sure a devoliping country some parts are very modern while other parts not so much. I think because its so normaized it doesnt make as worried (plus its pretty close to some natiobs at war) but seeing armed guards at tge malls here honestly worries me a tad.


aspoels t1_ixy8flp wrote

I’ve seen lots of cops with rifles both at BCC and at the GSP. More often than not tbh


vc1914 t1_ixyvp05 wrote

I used to see them roam GSP years ago when I was working there. It’s was not a common thing but they patrolled from time to time with long rifles.


guacamole579 t1_ixzev17 wrote

There have been a lot of robberies and attempted abductions at BTC in recent years so I can see mall management hiring police to patrol the area during heightened shopping times. Its a really popular mall for parents with young kids and people do not feel safe. The close proximity to rt4 makes it an easy target-Unless you get stuck in traffic. Lol Same situation with GSP.


srddave t1_ixznebq wrote

Oh interesting! Thanks for that. I always feel safe there…so interesting to hear that.