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trapicana OP t1_j6u1u6n wrote

"According to police, officers on Feb. 1 pulled over a car near 19th Avenue and Van Buren Street. One of the officers walked up to the vehicle and when someone inside the car rolled down a window, "a white substance escaped and was ingested by the officer."


Draker-X t1_j6uk7ln wrote

>"a white substance escaped and was ingested by the officer."

This is fucking hilarious because the active voice gives agency to the "white substance", an inanimate object, while the passive voice is used to describe the actions of the officer: a living, breathing, thinking being with free will.

This sort of purposeful linguistic slight-of-hand is evil.


TooMad t1_j6u6u08 wrote

Clearly the driver can hot box a "lethal" cloud of the substance while the cop can't even handle the slightest puff.


By_Design_ t1_j6ug45z wrote

same with whoever cut and packed everything. Is this hysteria or copaganda?


JcbAzPx t1_j6u5zr3 wrote

That 'and' is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


[deleted] t1_j6v5ft0 wrote



No_Cartographer_3819 t1_j6vbge7 wrote

Does Narcon give you a buzz if you are not on drugs?
Don't cops wear gloves when searching? If touching coke was enough to get high, a lot of us wasted a lot of blow and money using the snorting method.