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NBAWhoCares t1_jadnz6t wrote

This is an entire article about a single palestinian correspondence journalist getting banned from Twitter, who admits he was hacked before the banning and has no idea why he was actually banned.

Good article and completely on par with Al Jazeeras usual reporting on the Israeli Palestinian conflict where they deny the holocaust while also claiming that Jews use the holocaust as a tool to advance their global agenda


fight_the_hate t1_jadu18d wrote

Also on par for acceptable news these days on Reddit. Can't go a day or two without hearing about how I should be outraged about 'these people'

Any idea where we can go to see actual news?


Uh_I_Say t1_jae3crc wrote

Not trying to argue, but could you link where they denied the Holocaust? I used to think they were a relatively decent news organization but obviously I'm wrong if that's the case.


NBAWhoCares t1_jae74tb wrote

>Al Jazeera’s youth channel AJ+ Arabic has drawn widespread condemnation over a video that was branded “Holocaust denial” for claiming the Jews exaggerated the scale of the genocide to help establish Israel.

Happened in 2019. Not the first incident either, but this is the most recent big one.

There are two branches of al jazeera, the western one which is decent though biased towards the views of its parent organization, and the middle east one which is literally filled with fundamentalist psychos wishing death on Jews.

Edit: seems I upset the nazis


killerfish2022 t1_jaetmii wrote

Al jazzers who represent news with an open mind as long as you are not Jewish or Israeli

What did the pals say


SpinningHead t1_jaf4hms wrote

I think Twitter may own r/worldnews


goinmobile2030 t1_jaed6rk wrote

Everyone needs to get off this site. Shut it down.


[deleted] t1_jadfafp wrote



Iceykitsune2 t1_jadumc3 wrote

Why do Jordan and Egypt participate in the blockade?


M142Man t1_jadsl7q wrote

The real apartheid stated required Jews and Christians to pay a tax to Imams so they wouldn't face capital punishment for refusing to observe Islamic holidays.

Israel got rid of it in 1949.


Toallpointswest t1_jaf1vpj wrote

Of course Elon did this, he has to push his agenda


Matobar t1_jae9gw0 wrote

So free, much speech. Wow!
